Thoughts about Love and Change and Uncertainty

Today I thought about love, change and uncertainty - The love I felt and feel.  and the change which is happening and the uncertainty which comes as side effect.

Love ...
We all want to find love at some point in our lives - and my wife was the love of my life. 
There’s an extra mile everyone has to walk to achieve their dreams in life, to meet one‘s responsibilities, ... sometimes one‘s journey may be rougher than others. 
A person that truly loves sees this journey and is willing to go the extra mile with their partner - that‘s why it went without questions to go these extra miles with my and for my wife. 
 I always thought about love as something magical, our love let me / allowed me to do things I would never have imagined I could do. 
True love is a lifetime pack of magic, it never ends, there’s beauty in every little moment we shared.

Change ...
We all experienced that change can come in many forms in our lives.
It might come forcefully like a tidal wave, or creep along incrementally like a glacier.
Even though change can be difficult or overwhelming All too often to accomplish anything great in life requires us to make significant changes that push us beyond the comfort zones.
When patterns and comfort zone(s) are broken, new worlds emerge – but it is needed to see it, feel it, accept it, and to act. I can not change karma or the world. But where I can start and what I can be sure of is ‘changing myself’ and be there for my family, friends, colleagues and even for strangers who will need a helping hand.

Uncertainty ...
From time to time we should allow that certainty pass by and that we release certainty. 
Why I think so? Well because why I learned that the opposite of certainty isn't uncertainty.
I see it much more as openness, curiosity and a willingness to embrace paradox, rather than choose up sides. 
The ultimate challenge is to accept ourselves exactly as we are, but never stop trying to learn and grow.
I think furthermore that it's much more interesting to live not knowing than to have answers which might be wrong. 
I love having approximate idea, ballpark estimate, beliefs and different (sometimes frightening - sometimes just surprising) mutants of uncertainty about different things, but I am not absolutely sure of anything and there are many things I don't know anything about, such as whether it means anything to ask why we're here. I don't have to know an answer. I don't feel frightened not knowing things, by being lost in a mysterious universe without any purpose, which is the way it really is as far as I can tell.

Picture of a glacier of my wife's and my honeymoon (trip)
Picture of a glacier of my wife's and my honeymoon (trip)

And today I remind of a great song of ...
Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne – Change:

I feel unhappy
I feel so sad
I lost the best friend
That I ever had
She was my woman
I loved her so
But it's too late now
I've let her go
I'm going through changes
I'm going through changes
We shared the years
We shared each day
In love together
We found a way
But soon the world
Had its evil way
My heart was blinded
Love went astray
I'm going through changes
I'm going through changes
It took so long
To realize
And I can still hear
Her last goodbyes
Now all my days
Are filled with tears
Wish I could go back
And change these years
I'm going through changes
I'm going through changes
Source: LyricFind


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