World Suicide Prevention Day 2021 - Friday, 10 September
Life often gets tough, but just remember:
You can handle anything. Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that's very important for a good life.
I think being in an extreme situation, seeing oneself in an unanswerable or unresolvable condition and times … and thoughts of suicide are not something to be ashamed of. Ignoring or hiding thoughts of suicide usually only helps for a short time because the underlying problem is not solved. If someone has no one in their environment with whom they can talk about their thoughts, there are people they can confide in, e.g. family, doctors, psychotherapists and telephone counseling services.
People in a suicidal crisis can be and must be helped. The reason, stimulus, or trigger of a suicidal crisis are long and complex and can occurs as part of ...
... Depression
... Gender Identity
... Military Trauma
... PTSD - Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder
... Sexual Trauma
... Recent Suicide Attempt
... Self Harm
... Mental Illness
... Sexuality
... …
If you know someone who has thoughts of suicide, it is important to take the feelings and what they say seriously, to speak to the person and to listen to them openly and calmly without judgment, even if this is not easy for most people. Often there is a feeling of helplessness when someone expresses suicidal thoughts. It is important to encourage the person to seek and find assistance.
And yes it might be that the other will stay to their wish. - But help them and lend them a sympathetic and willing ear - reach out to them and 'build' a bridge.
People who are affected by the suicide of a loved one, often feel not only grief and pain about the loss, but also a confusion of feelings of guilt and shame, helplessness, fear and anger at themselves and at the deceased person. Losing someone familiar through suicide is overwhelming for many people. Professional experts, support groups and self-help groups can help.
Final thought ...
My gut feeling is that suicide is rarely the product of cool-headed consideration, weighing up or appreciation of values - or in other words a rational assessment - or in this case we might call it ‘rational suicide’ - an uncontrollable act caused of days of anguish and despair.
BUT - I know the case of my wife - I met other people who told me that one time in the future they want to have control when and how they can die in and with dignity.
Regardless of the legality or morality of suicide, suicide entails death, and so the question arises as to whether death should or should not be feared.
But this is something nobody can finally answer you. My wife believed and I believe that there is a 'world' behind the 'bridge' or the curtain of death.
As I had near death experience three times (I nearly drowned, frostbitten, knife attack) - the thing my wife feared and I'd fear is the process of dying to veg out and to loose dignity.
The question remains as to whether the non-realization of further life is an absolute evil, or whether this depends on what can naturally be hoped for.
Call it 'challenge' or 'trouble' - but it is that life familiarizes us with the goods and bads of which death deprives us.
Death, no matter how inevitable, is an abrupt cancellation of indefinitely extensive goods and bads.
Final word ...
Life often gets tough, but just remember: You can handle anything. Calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, so that's very important for a good life.
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