Hope, confidence, and faith. Positive attitude leads to achievement.
It is possible to influence one's thinking and choose where to direct one's thoughts.
For me 'Having Hope' means not losing faith and confidence - but also feeling well-being.
First of all you should comfort yourself and give yourself courage - if you not already do so.
If you can't think of positive or encouraging thoughts, think about what you would say to other people in the same situation to encourage this.
I suggest to recall positive experiences from the past ...- Which situations did you master?
- What went well?
- When did the situation look hopeless in the past and which kind of solution emerged or about which did you thought about?
Look for people - talk with people who have already found a solution for similar challenges ...
- You might find these people in your environment.
- Or check your network or on the internet.
- I found people in my company - as we have a very open and honest culture.
... or look for role models
- Have you ever talked to someone who was inspiring to you?
- Isn't it a great feeling to listen to someone who is optimistic and has already achieved some things in life?
- Someone who has already achieved something that you would also like to have?
- You should bring this positive feeling into your life as often as possible. Look for role models and talk to them! Ask them out and let yourself be inspired.
Take this as an example. Make use of their experience. Use their solution strategies.
Write down possible positive results ...
- Consciously focus on a positive outcome of the event.
- The best way to do this is to write it down.
- Write down in as much detail as possible all the positive things that will happen.
- Just look at positive results and write them down.
You will notice how your thinking then focuses on it and you draw new strength and hope.
Get active ...
- Don't passively endure the situation.
- Free yourself from the victim role.
Being active gives you the impression and the feeling of being in control and this feeds your hope of finding a solution.
Make yourself hopeful and confident thoughts of the kind ...
- Whatever comes my way, there will be a solution. I'll do everything in my power to ... ...
Make a decision
Basing one's life on confidence and hope is also a matter of decision.
If you want to think negatively, you will always find reasons to do so.
Decide on a way of life.
And when you've made up your mind to think and live more positively, then stick to it.
And I wish you that the techniques above will help you.
With a little practice it will be easier and easier for you to take something positive with you from challenges in life, your mistakes etc. and to live hopefully and confidently in the long term.
Best Holger
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