Hope and confidence for the new year

Life is like an American football game - to win you have to make a play call. Knowing which call to make comes with insights and knowledge, and by watching and understanding  own abilities and circumstances by learning the lessons that are acculated along the way of every game, season and their wins and losses.

The other team or other circumstances will test your limits, but stay consistent and positive. We become each and every piece within the game called life!

Opportunities, an Obstacles, and Challenges

In my life I often thought about the difference between an opportunity , an obstacleand challenges? Since a long I am a firm believer the difference of it are the attitude toward it. Every opportunity has a difficulty, and every difficulty has a challenge, and every challenge has an opportunity - and of the three is true vici verse.

We need each other - whether you still have the picture of an American football team in mind or your business team or family or friendship circle. We need each other and should embrace our differences because we all need and depend on each person’s unique talent and perspective they bring to the game of life and world. Let’s celebrate and honor our uniqueness and share our talents with the world. Be true to yourself. Discover your talents. Because the rest of us, need what you have to offer the world.

We cannot control others - it's anyway not easy to control yourself / ourself , but t we have the power to control are our actions .- as it is in our hands. We must be concerned about the impact that we can have on the situation and whether or not our actions can make any difference - making the best out of obstacles, opportunities and challenges.

Think Positive

Think positive, speak positive, be positive, and stay positive. You have to make that decision every day.

In order to have a beautiful New Year, have big dreams, have deep driving desires, get ready to change, stay focused, stay hungry and above all have a positive attitude with gratitude.


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