Time heals all wounds - Time is a great healer ... Yes and No

I am pretty sure that you either heard, or you said to a friend, or that you already thought that all you needed was a few months to get over something traumatic. And believe me that you are not alone.
Most of us have been there and believed the same thing before. After all, the saying that “time heals all wounds” is used by many people for good reason.

And I can as well tell you that traumas, grieving, and what ever crossed you way - need time.
Even time is for damn sure an important factor when it comes to healing. And it may take away some of the pain, sorrow, or other dark and painful emotions which you experienced and experience. 
Even though there’s as I mentioned there is some truth in the phrase, I disliked it when I was in the acute stage of grief - and I still dislike it today- as time on its own is not a healer.

Healing is not a straight road. What healing and your healing will look like, how long it will take, and what you will think and feel and do and experience along the way, nobody can say. Your grief is yours, and nobody can tell you what will happen.

Nobody can tell you what your unique experience of loss will be like. Yes - We all have an idea of how grieving goes, and unless we have our own experiences and even your next experience will be different. Even when we have our own experiences, they may not be that useful when we’re attempting to comfort someone else. Because although all grief shares some key similarities — it hurts — each individual person’s grief is different.
To recover from trauma, the mind / your way of thinking and looking at things have to learn to stayin the present experience - as good as you can in the very moment - something that often requires therapeutic assistance in the form of group or individual counseling.

Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy once said:
It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.' I do not agree. The wounds remain. In time, the mind, protecting its sanity, covers them with scar tissue and the pain lessens. But it is never gone.” (Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy)

No matter how much time passes, or how well we heal or deal with it, our wounds leave us with scars. Emotional scars can be ugly sometimes - but they are OK - they can stay and remind us what we had - like the laughter lines which reminds us on great times.


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