29 February 2024 is Rare Disease Day
The European Organization for Rare Diseases established the first Rare Disease Day on February 29, 2008, a unique date that only occurs every four years. This day has since then been observed on the last day of February, a month known for its uncommon number of days. The aim of this day is to increase awareness about rare diseases, as well as enhance availability to treatment and medical aid for those affected by such conditions and their families.
Many rare diseases lack adequate treatment options, and the support networks for those affected and their families are also deficient. People who observe Rare Disease Day participate in activities like walking events and press conferences, organize fundraisers, send collective letters to government officials, as well as conduct events, meetings, and campaigns.
Rare Disease Day Official Video 2024
Though Rare Disease Day is patient-led, everyone, including individuals, families, caregivers, healthcare professionals, researchers, clinicians, policy makers, industry representatives and the general public, can participate in raising awareness and taking action today for this vulnerable population who require immediate and urgent attention.
By Sharing your colours via social media, events, illuminating buildings, monuments and homes, by sharing experiences online and with friends, by calling on policy makers and shining the light on people living with a rare disease, collectively we aim to change and improve lives of the 300 million people worldwide.
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