Equal Pay Day - 6th of March 2024

March 6, 2024 is Equal Pay Day in Germany - not because the gender pay gap has improved, but because 2024 is a leap year. 

In the USA, the next Equal Pay Day is Tuesday, March 12, 2024.

It’s high time for equal pay! 

A man still earns more than a woman, even if they do the same job.

Men have greater chances to hold political office or lead a company...

Women do two thirds of the world's work, yet they only have access to ten percent of the world's income and one percent of the property...

So, are we equal?

Until the answer to that is 'Yes', ...
we must never stop asking that question.

Men have to demand that their wives, daughters, mothers and sisters earn more — commensurate with their work, actions qualifications and not their gender. Equality will be achieved when men and women are granted equal pay and equal respect. If someone does the some job as others, if a woman does the same job as a man, she should receive the same money for it. It is that easy!

She just should. This all boils down to the fundamental question of how our world should run, how we want to live together in a diverse, equal, good world and society - with fair sharing and caring (just one week ago there was the Equal Care Day 2024.

Learn more - read more about the Equal Pay Day 

But here are a few thoughts ... March is women’s month – in two ways. 

While International Women's Day on March 8th is intended to remind us of gender equality , " Equal Pay Day " on March 6th shows that we are still miles - or rather many euros - away from this.

Statistically speaking, the date marks the day of the year until which women in Germany work virtually without pay compared to men - it's a whole 66 days. As mentioned above in the US it is about 10% more - or 6 days longer.
The gender pay gap, the wage gap between the earnings of men and women , remains stable at 18 percent. Inflation regardless, Women’s Day.

Closing Quote by Venus Williams

"Imagine you're a little girl. You're growing up. You practice as hard as you can, with girls, with boys. You have a dream. You fight, you work, you sacrifice to get to this stage. You work as hard as anyone you know. And then you get to this stage, and you're told you're not the same as a boy. Almost as good, but not quite the same. Think how devastating and demoralizing that could be." — Venus Williams


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