What is happiness? And what does happiness mean?

The image is showing a happy person, dancing in the street. Find more images on Instagram
I am very sure that all people long for happiness - a fulfilling feeling of life - most people certainly agree on this.
What happiness is and what it means for oneself and for other people, everyone probably wonders, so many people have asked themselves, people have asked themselves across all times and philosophy since ancient times: An inner contentment is the form of happiness that everyone is seeking and trying to find.
I see conscious living, conscious enjoyment as the happiness of life and the meaning of life, and it is also an attitude of appreciation and gratitude towards pleasures and joys.

The modern consumer society and business world ...

What I observe, or as I see it, is that the modern consumer society often leads to the point that people are dissatisfied because they are constantly striving for external things to find their happiness. Often, however, they are not aware of what they really want and what would truly fulfill them - fulfilling them really,  inside themselves, deep in their own soul.

Frequently, certain needs ('this or that you need to be happy') are suggested to us through advertising and societal pressure, which we believe we must fulfill, although they may not correspond to our deepest desires. This inner conflict can lead to a deep dissatisfaction, as one constantly tries to find oneself and determine what truly makes one happy.

It is important that we become aware of what truly makes us happy and what our true needs are, apart from external influences. By getting to know ourselves better and recognizing our true desires, we can overcome the conflict between our inner wishes and external expectations and find true fulfillment.

My perspective on the topic of happiness ...

I tell myself and seem to observe that a purposeful life can be a source of happiness, as it gives people a sense of purpose and fulfillment. By dedicating oneself to something meaningful and pursuing what seems significant with commitment, one can achieve a profound sense of happiness.

It is also important to let go of exaggerated and unrealistic notions about happiness. By setting realistic goals and focusing on calmness and inner contentment, one can experience and enjoy genuine moments of happiness.

Ultimately, I believe it is a balance between striving for fulfillment and serenity that enables us to find and appreciate happiness. By concentrating on what truly matters to us and what internally fulfills us, we can find true happiness in our lives.

Conclusion ...

In addition to my own, very personal and subjective views, it is worthwhile to look into the philosophical considerations of happiness by thinkers such as Aristotle, Epicurus, Plato, Socrates, but also Nietzsche and many others. Yet there are also scientific perspectives on happiness.

Perhaps the most well-known is the "Golden Triangle of Happiness"...

The "Golden Triangle of Happiness" posits that...

  • stable personal relationships,
  • control over finances,
  • and life goals

are the determinants of personal happiness, with all three factors being in balance. By the way, from the field of design, we are familiar with Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, which encompasses these three points among its five levels.

Ask yourself ...

  • What do you think?
  • How do you feel happiness?
  • When do you experience gratitude? ... contentment?   ... gratitude?

This is the English version I wrote first this one before I rewrote it into my mother tongue German - for me it is so much easier it write such topics in English than in German - no real idea why. 

Other article I wrote about happiness

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You can find more of my paintings and pictures on instagram


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