Transforming - Positive Attitude

Griefing demands critical thinking from the griefer and urges changes, rethinking, improvements in living conditions, mindset, and feelings. 
The death of my wife is the most impacting loss I had to experience in my life so far. My grief is like two sides of the same coin. One is where I ‘pretend’ that everything is alright, and the other is where my heart screams in pain. But I can be happy it was her will. 
And as I always understood changes in life always as a chance for something new - I'm working on me to see that this loss is nothing but transformation.

I am for sure angry with the course of life - or karma - but complaining or being angry do not and will not help, neither me nor someone else, for a number of reasons - but for sure because as 'karma' does not care about anything.

And mentioning once again (coping with grief) the quote from Goethe and Herman Hesse: "In all beginnings dwells a magic force - For guarding us and helping us to live." - It's not easy to keeping this in mind and recognizing it and getting aware of it - it takes time and patience - being patient with or bearing with something - or qualities which are for sure not one of my qualities - but I even on this I will have to work.

What will help me is 'reanimating' my positive attitude.
Why I think having a positive mental attitude is important? Well, I always firmly believed, and still do, that a one with a positive attitude can deal with stress and negative situations in a much healthier way.
We all know the Latin phrase "Mens sana in corpore sano" translated as "a healthy mind in a healthy body"  but I see it also vici versa a "a healthy body and life by a healthy mind".
A positive attitude will help to come up with actionable goals based on dreams, making and maintaining more positive relationships, and will give one's / my immune system a well-needed boost.

A positive attitude is build on or by ...
  • Staying optimistic.
  • Learning from challenges, disappointments and failures.
  • Being more empathetic and understanding toward others.
  • Seeing the things I can be grateful for - and being more grateful.

To accomplish it I will work on the following points ...
  • Some self-care every day - What I always knew, but what I have forgotten over the last years, while I took care on my wife is that it’s always important to take care of both physical and mental health. It is important that one can take a step back and treat themselves to something special. Self-care doesn’t always have to involve a nighttime soak in the bath with candles and a glass of wine - although that sounds lovely, too. Often it can be a sunbath, feeling the soft, wet grass under you and the sunshine above you. or ...
  • Listen to music that matches my mood or music which is contrary - I realized that it is good to tune into sad songs as a form of mood enhancement. As I realized that sad songs can invoke my memories, distract from negative situations, and they carry strong messages and give hope and a positive push.
  • Practice mindfulness and self-awareness, and meditation - practicing and shifting attention between the inner self and the outer world can do a lot to decrease stress, concerns and worries - as well as improve mental and spiritual health.
  • Take real breaks - leaving the space (workspace) where I am currently in, having a meal, and putting away all work-related information. 

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I firmly believe that - it doesn't take much to live a happy life ...
even in these days it is even hard for me to see this and have this thought in my heart. 
But I am working on it.

Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh once said:
"People deal too much with the negative, with what is wrong.
Why not try and see positive things, to just touch those things and make them bloom?"



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