
Showing posts from February, 2022

Zahlen zur Sterbehilfe in Deutschland 2021

Stand: Februar 2021 Die Beihilfe zur Selbsttötung die faktisch seit 2015 unmöglich war -  ist seit einem Urteil des Bundesverfassungsgerichts von 2020 erlaubt.  346 Sterbehilfe / Sterbebegleitungen  in 2021 Die "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Humanes Sterben", "Dignitas Deutschland" und "Sterbehilfe Deutschland" stellten entsprechende Zahlen in Berlin vor.  Die "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Humanes Sterben" vermittelte 2021 nach eigenen Angaben 120 Sterbewillige an Sterbehelfer. "Sterbehilfe Deutschland" tat dies in 129 Fällen, "Dignitas" in 97. Pressekonferenz | Zwei Jahre Karlsruher Urteil Streamed live on Feb 21, 2022   Praktische Erfahrungen mit Sterbehilfe in Deutschland Tagungszentrum im Haus der Bundespressekonferenz 21. Februar 2022, Beginn: 11.00 Uhr Ansprechpartrner: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Humanes Sterben DIGNITAS Deutschland Verein Sterbehilfe Giordano-Bruno-Stiftung Schlusspunkt  - Sie möchten eine ergebnisoffene Beratu...

Talking about Dying with Dignity

Assistance in Dying with Dignity There are different forms of assistance in dying. Passive euthanasia - Allowing to die by forgoing life-prolonging medical treatment or high-dose, life-shortening pain treatment, such as morphine (indirect euthanasia), are forms of euthanasia that a patient can make binding in a good living will.  Active euthanasia - Killing on demand, in which a doctor injects a lethal substance into the patient at his request is prohibited in Germany and in Switzerland.  Assisted suicide or suicide assistance (by physicians or others) with a self-determined end of life - is expressly permitted – and even declared a fundamental right by the Federal Constitutional Court. In contrast with the different forms of “euthanasia”, the decision-making process remains with the person (as outlined below) who wishes to end their own life. The patient decides on the end of their life and intentionally brings about his/her own death. In Germany and a few other countries, th...

10 Forderungen für humane Sterbehilfe in Deutschland

Die nachfolgende 10 Forderungen für humane Sterbehilfe in Deutschland wurde von der  DGHS - Deutschen Gesellschaft für Humanes Sterben DIGNITAS-Deutschland Verein Sterbehilfe Giordano-Bruno-Stiftung  ... gemeinsam verabschiedet und am 21. Februar 2022 im Rahmen der Pressekonferenz  "Zwei Jahre Karlsruher Urteil"  im Haus der Bundespressekonferenz erstmals der Öffentlichkeit vorgestellt. In meinen Augen der wichtigste Satz kommt am Ende der 10 Forderungen ... Eine gesetzliche Grauzone oder rechtsfreie Räume bezüglich der Sterbehilfe gibt es nicht. Fakt ist: Sterbehilfe kann in Deutschland stattfinden – und findet statt!  Eine unsachgemäße Berichterstattung und Stellungnahmen von verschiedenen Parteien und Interessengruppen über die geltende Rechtslage verunsichert Bürgerinnen und Bürger, insbesondere Ärztinnen und Ärzte, und ist unverantwortlich. Aufzeichung der Pressekonferenz vom 21. Februar 2022 ... Die 10 Forderungen für humane Sterbehilfe in...

Dealing with Death - then and NOW

Dealing with a topic like death and dying is not easy for most people. Especially when it comes to death and dying in their personal environment, many people don't know at all how to deal with it. But that was not always the case, because there were times when death was, so to speak, a constant companion of people. Today we don't come into contact with death that much as our ancestors in the past. There are several reasons one is, the general life expectancy of people is increasing due to improved living conditions and modern medicine.  The global life expectancy at birth for women is 75 years old and for men, it’s 70 years old. However, in America, the average life expectancy for women is 81 years and for men 77 years. On average, a woman lives 82 years and a man only 76 years in Germany. In the erstwhile centenaries things were quite different. On average, the people in previous years of the turn-of-the-century 1891-1900 men only became 40 years old and women 44 years old in...

Sterbehilfe - Kritiker & Gegner

In meinem Blog geht es mir um das um das es auch meiner Frau ging - um Leben - Jeder sollte nach seiner Fasson selig, glücklich leben und seine Würde haben, und Freiheit bewahren. Sterben ist nur die logische Konsequenz dieser Freiheit. Kritik und Widerstand gegen die Sterbehilfe nehme ich primär von Organisationen und Personen wahr die religiös-fundamentalistischen aber auch egoistisch und konservativen Machterhalt- und Finanzinteressen verfolgen. Eine große Mehrheit trat und tritt seit jeher für Wahlfreiheit, Selbstbestimmung, Selbstverantwortung und Vernunft ein und damit für selbstbestimmtes Sterben. Kritiker & Gegner der Sterbehilfe Gegner der Sterbehilfe verstehe ich primär als Personen die Anderen keine Wahl-Freiheit zugestehen und wenn überhaupt nur in den engsten Vorstellbaren staatlichen Rahmenbedingungen und so zum Leben zwingen wollen  ( siehe hierzu die Entwürfe von Abgeordnetem aus diesem Jahr ). Deren weltanschauliche Sicht ist heute immer noch, dass der Staat üb...

Emotional and Physical Pain of Mourning

When we think of grieving, the first things that come to mind are the feelings we're going through: sadness, and often depression, but as well anger, guilt, relief, fear, and panic. I often grief as an emotional roller coaster ride .  I and so many others experience so many ups and downs that one is not always sure what feelings one is going through at that point in time. Grief can even trigger physical pain and  has most often an impact on physical well-being. Some people report feeling like they've been hit by a truck after losing a loved one - or as they lose the ground under their feet  and  get weak in the knees. Studies show that even more men than women  experience physical problems in the first half year and sometime even longer the death of a loved one. Many of the most common physical problems is caused by the immune or nervous system, the cardiovascular system, or the digestive tract - and are often subject to the effects of stress and grief...

My beloved wife ... Always in my mind. Forever in my heart.

My beloved wife ... My heart my mind is full of 'pictures', full of memories. Every day, every minute with you was a gift, wonderful and irreplaceable. When we talked I most often used the German nickname 'Schatz' - the English expression 'darling'  is not the right equivalent  -  as you were 'my precious'   ... valuable, unique, wonderful - my one and only - you meant the world to me.  Your eyes like the deep, blue sky and your smile like the rising of the sun for me.  When I first held you in my arms, I hoped that moment would last until the end of time, and now I'm standing here and starting to realize that fate only gave us little bit more than 2 decades. I remember all the songs we listened, the movies we saw, the books we read to each other ... Goodbye my love, goodbye because I know we will meet again.  Help me to find the strength to do the right thing, I love you to the end of my days and I know that you will then be waiting for me there ...

You don't have to be afraid of dying - you should be afraid of never living YOUR life.

We simply cannot influence that we die - but we can eventually influence how we die. But what we can influence for sure is how we deal with it. I firmly believe that living with self-awareness means - above all - to pause for a moment from time to time - pause to think  and listening to what someone actually wants in life - what someone loves - what someone wants.  Everyone is individual - every life is individual. Everyone has their own definition of what is a fulfilled, good day - what is a fulfilled and good life - positive challenges, experiences, goals ... and especially other people and their own family who fulfill their life. I deeply believe that it is about listening to yourself - and asking ourselves again and again - what makes us happy, what is important or what does someone not want to regret. I wish everyone that they can follow their heart - perhaps you can make a difference here and there - perhaps you can plant a 'seed' for the benefit of others or even for hu...