You don't have to be afraid of dying - you should be afraid of never living YOUR life.

We simply cannot influence that we die - but we can eventually influence how we die. But what we can influence for sure is how we deal with it.

I firmly believe that living with self-awareness means - above all - to pause for a moment from time to time - pause to think  and listening to what someone actually wants in life - what someone loves - what someone wants. 

Everyone is individual - every life is individual.

Everyone has their own definition of what is a fulfilled, good day - what is a fulfilled and good life - positive challenges, experiences, goals ... and especially other people and their own family who fulfill their life.

I deeply believe that it is about listening to yourself - and asking ourselves again and again - what makes us happy, what is important or what does someone not want to regret.

I wish everyone that they can follow their heart - perhaps you can make a difference here and there - perhaps you can plant a 'seed' for the benefit of others or even for humanity or our earth. It goes without saying that not everyone can achieve this, and for sure not in every moment of life - but maybe you don't even realize that you could achieve something for somebody. We can only try again and again. And then try not to be so hard on ourselves when you might fail.

The most common regret that people have on their deathbed is that they lived their life according to the desires of others, not how they wanted to.

My preparation for death

So my preparation for death is to live and to feel and to be honest to myself -  living in the here and now - keeping practicing - accepting that I can not control everything trusting that everything will happen as it is supposed to happen, even if it hurts right now and here and there. 

Serenity and stoicism are big, often unfamiliar words. Living in the here and now and be exactly who I am. That's exactly what leads me right into life and more and more to myself and combines me with my wife. That in turn, I assume, will also make me satisfied when I look back at the life I've lived.

The fear of death follows from the fear of life. 
A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. 
Mark Twain

In the end, it is not about winning or losing; it is about living. - What are your thoughts on your own death? How are you preparing for this?

Sunset at coast in California - warm but melancholy color


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