
Showing posts from June, 2022

Honesty in life

The world is full of challenges - Uncertainty is a part of life and it can’t be avoided. The best way to deal with it is to learn techniques that help you live with it, without the accompanying worry.  Against all challenges and odds, and as well in times of troubles the good and beautiful things are all to often in front of us - we can see them, we can feel, we can hear them - we can perceive the good and beauty by our senses. But what I learned, more through crises than from good times, that the best and most beautiful things in our world are often not seen or heard, but felt deep, very deep in our hearts. Honesty and trust are the cornerstones of life. They are the most essential ingredients and the foundational principles that holds all relationships. But I firmly believe - as I learned it for myself - not only relations. An important is as well that you are honest to yourself and that you trust yourself. Being honest with yourself requires self-awareness and even courage. It c...

Medikament - Freitod

Zur Medikation für den Freitod werden Arzneimittel aus verschiedenen Gruppen eingesetzt. Zu den wichtigsten Wirkstoffen gehören Barbiturate wie Pentobarbital-Natrium und Thiopental sowie neuromuskuläre Blocker wie Rocuroniumbromid.  Die Medikament werden peroral (über den Mund mit anschließendem Herunterschlucken) eingenommen oder parenteral (direkte Injektion oder Infusion in den Blutkreislauf ) verabreicht. Da eine Injektion zu den aktive Sterbehilfe**** gehört ist in den meisten Ländern nur die Infusion die Option. Wobei der Sterbewillige die Infusion selbstständig starten / öffnen muss. Recht auf selbstbestimmtes Sterben in Deutschland Für die ärztlich assistierte Suizidbeihilfe werden zugelassene Arzneimittel aber auch Magistralrezepturen eingesetzt. Magistralrezepturen sind Arzneimittel, die in Apotheken für die Patienten individuell auf ärztliche Verordnung hergestellt werden. Off-Label-Use Bei den zugelassenen Arzneimittel handelt es sich dann beim Freitod um einen sogenann...

Orientierungsdebatte - 1. Lesung im Bundestag zur Sterbe­hilfe

Orientierungsdebatte - 1. Lesung im Bundestag Ini­tiativen zur Reform der Sterbe­hilfe in erster Lesung Der Bundestag hat heute am Freitag, 24. Juni 2022 , über die Reform der Sterbehilfe beraten. Grundlage der Debatte waren mehrere Initiativen fraktionsübergreifender Gruppen. Dazu gehört ein von 85 Abgeordneten aller Fraktionen mit Ausnahme der AfD gezeichneter Gesetzentwurf „zur Strafbarkeit der geschäftsmäßigen Hilfe zur Selbsttötung und zur Sicherstellung der Freiverantwortlichkeit der Entscheidung zur Selbsttötung“ ( 20/904 ). Ein zweiter Entwurf fordert den „Schutz des Rechts auf selbstbestimmtes Sterben“ ( 20/2293 ), ein dritter formuliert „Regelung der Suizidhilfe“ ( 20/2332 ). Eine Gruppe von 68 Abgeordneten um Katrin Helling-Plahr (FDP) aus den Fraktionen SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grüne, FDP und Die Linke hat einen weiteren Gesetzentwurf zur Regelung der Suizidhilfe ( Gesetzentwurf - Drucksache 20/2332 20/2332 ) vorgelegt. Der Entwurf soll „das Recht auf einen selbstbestimmten Tod...

Meditation at time of death / Consciousness at the Time of Death

For many people meditation is still part of esoteric or a esoterical life. But brain research sees it very differently today - and why not give it a try. Meditation can have a very quick, very beneficial effect right from the start. Even beginners and skeptics will find it beneficial - if they start such a meditation practice with a curious attitude and let go of too many expectations - I am sure they will find easily access to meditation if they do not close their minds. By the way a good meditation technique to quickly find yourself, and which is also great and works very easily even for newcomers, is the body scan. We feel our whole body - from head to toe - and just perceive. Once you did something like that you can go and try other forms of meditation. And make a daily or regularly practice. Meditation and grieving - Meditation at time of death Since hat I found for myself is a way of meditation called 'Phowa'  is a techniques include breathing and meditation that can then...

Trust, Hope, Faith and Love

My wife was laid to rest one year ago - and already at the night of her funeral there were a number of fireflies - but this year there were and are even more. My wife told me that on the day of her death the fireflies will fly. And that they will remind me on her and these glowing animals will be with me.  She was a riding instructor and she often organized horse riding events in the days and nights when these great animals emerge - and that is in early summer anywhere from the third week in May to the third week in June - and these small animals were literally always a highlight for her and now for me.  When Firefly enters your life, be ready for a little light-hearted magic coming your way.  And a lot of fireflies were with me in the forest where my wife was buried - And I loved and love that the firefly waited for me to take the following picture - and I am so thankful for this moment - even more than for the result. Fireflies can symbolize many different things, ...

Hope for love, pray for love, wish for love, dream for love - what I learned from one year of grieving

What I learned in the past year is that the most painful kind of love is called grief. It happens when THE beloved person is taken away or is about to taken away with no hope for return.  Grief is love and the confusion caused by not knowing how to love someone who is gone. Grief is love's frustration, bitterness, anger, and resentment at death's destruction. Love and the loss of love can quite literally hurt. Grief and Love Can Hurt Just As Much As Physical Pain. Headaches, migraines, overall muscular pain and heaviness are all common symptoms - which I experienced as well. Some people start saying “ I am afraid to fall in love because I don’t want to get hurt again ”. I have no idea why, but I was always sure, that searching for love makes no sense - I think that such a thinking reveals only one's own lovelessness. And I was always sure that if someone is loveless s/he will never find love, I firmly believe that only the loving find love. I experienced that happiness come...

Lift up your eyes and see the good in the world

Yesterday was a special day as one year ago my wife decided to go on the other side of the bridge. And I visited the forest where she was buried in the morning, stayed there through the day and in the evening. And I could took this picture ... It was amazing to see the lightness and how easy the glowworms 'wafted', 'floated' and flew through the forest where my wife was buried. Only in the darkness you can see the glowworms - no matter how dark a moment is - love and hope are existing and they are always possible. One glowworm is beautiful and is already amazing light - but the more they are the lighter get the darkness. Let us lift up our eyes and see the good in the world, when the morning sunlight filters through our eyelids and as well in the few days around summer solstice at night when the glowworms are flying. When such small glowworms can light the darkness - what can we do? ... people with an amazing capacity to do great good.  And if only a few of us choose to...

Aspekte einer ausgeglichene und gute Beziehung

Eine ausgeglichene und gute Beziehung im Privatem und im Job hat viele Aspekte die wichtig sind um langfristig erfolgreich zu sein.  Meiner Meinung nach sollte darauf geachtet werden, dass das Verhältnis untereinander immer ausgeglichen ist und dem Gegenüber, Team oder Familienmitglied, und dem/der PartnerIn der Respekt gezollt wird, den sie / er verdient. Wenn man sich gegenseitig mit Emphatie, Offenheit und Toleranz begegnet, läuft das Miteinander einfach und einfach noch besser. Auch wenn es DAS perfekte Team oder Paar einfach nicht gibt - manchmal läuft eben nicht will wie geplant oder gehofft . Wichtig ist nur, dass man nach Konflikten wieder zusammengeht und sich wieder versöhnt oder auch weiß wie man Konflikte eintütet und ruhen lässt wenn man nicht direkt die Lösung hat.  Was macht für mich eine gute Beziehung aus? Genau weiß ich es nicht ich habe mal 6 Aspekte für mich zusammengefasst .. Ausgeglichenheit Das Leben ist, so denke ich,von einer gewissen Ausgeglichenheit ...

Find Love and Peace - Finding yourself

In the recent weeks I had to learn again - or let me phrase it that way - life reminds me that nobody cannot protect themself from sadness without protecting themself from happiness. So be happy having happy moments and accept and deal with the sad ones. Don’t waste your time in anger, regrets, worries, grudges and grief. Don't be pushed around by the tears and fears in your mind. Life is too short to be unhappy. Be led by the dreams and the love in your heart. Never let the expectations and opinions of other people affect your decisions. It's your life, not theirs. Do what matters most to you; do what feels good for you, do what makes you feel alive and happy.  Sure you should take the expectations and ideas of others into account - but they should never ever limit who you are or who you want to be. And never ever let others tell you who you are. There is more to life than pleasing people or society. All too often it's the case that there is so much more to life than what ...