Honesty in life
The world is full of challenges - Uncertainty is a part of life and it can’t be avoided. The best way to deal with it is to learn techniques that help you live with it, without the accompanying worry. Against all challenges and odds, and as well in times of troubles the good and beautiful things are all to often in front of us - we can see them, we can feel, we can hear them - we can perceive the good and beauty by our senses. But what I learned, more through crises than from good times, that the best and most beautiful things in our world are often not seen or heard, but felt deep, very deep in our hearts. Honesty and trust are the cornerstones of life. They are the most essential ingredients and the foundational principles that holds all relationships. But I firmly believe - as I learned it for myself - not only relations. An important is as well that you are honest to yourself and that you trust yourself. Being honest with yourself requires self-awareness and even courage. It c...