
Showing posts from September, 2022

Permission To Rest

The importance of rest cannot be overstated!  Our attention is an energy / a resource - and resources are finite.  Real breaks are time-outs that are officially ours. Work requires often more than we like to really see and realize it requires to focus and pull ourselves together, breaks and free time allow the mind to wander, the body to recover. It is also important to be able to mentally distance yourself from work and really switch off. There are consequences of resting too less: Burnout Bitterness/resentment Physical and mental health issues A lack of interest and focus in things we usually find interesting and meaningful Feeling like you are in a constant state of overwhelm and operating from your reserves (not abundance) We need to give ourselves permission to rest. AND ... resting is not a waste of time! "We live in a society that HIGHLY values productivity and accomplishment." In a world that relies on our willingness to exhaust ourselves to the point we can't fun...

National Good Neighbor Day - Thoughts about Home and good Neighbors

A home is where the heart is, where you have family, where you are loved and where dreams grow. And where you have a great neighborhood. Being a good neighbor is an art - having good neighbors is a gift - which makes life richer. You know it when it feels right. In that moment you are at home. For almost everyone, "home" is the center of their world and a place of order that contrasts with the chaos elsewhere. When asked to draw a picture of "where you live", children and adolescents worldwide invariably center their drawings around the home, making it the anchor for everything else. "Home" is the place where you feel in control and properly oriented in space and time; it is a predictable and secure place. In the words of poet Robert Frost, "Home is the place that, when you have to go there, they have to take you in." In short, "home" is the primary connection between you and the rest of the world. If home is where the heart is, then by...

Patienten am Lebensende begleiten - Palliativversorgung / Palliativmedizin

Eines vorweg, was leider zu oft vergessen wird - Ärzt*innen sind Menschen. Und dieser Hinweis geht an Patienten aber auch an die andere Seite an Ärzte - Wir brauchen in der Medizin nicht nur das Faktische, das Medizinische - sondern viel mehr das Menschliche und Empathische - und wieder möchte ich dies allen Seiten in Erinnerung rufen. Patienten und Ärzt*Innen - und an alle Sterbewilligen - Ärzt*Innen und andere Helfer sind nicht Erfüllungsgehilfen. Nun aber zum Thema ... Patienten am Lebensende brauchen Unterstützung, nicht nur medizinisch und pflegerisch. Palliativpatienten brauchen Unterstützung, nicht nur medizinische. Oft werden Ärzt*Innen und Pflegepersonen am Lebensende zum Vertrauten und Berater des Patienten und seiner Angehörigen.  An zwei Dingen kommt niemand vorbei: an der Geburt und am Tod. Darum sollten wir auch das Sterben Teil unseres Lebens sein lassen ( Das Sterben ... wie eine Geburt in die andere Richtung ) und es als Teil einer jeglichen Existenz begreifen und ...

Selbstwertgefühl – Selbstvertrauen, Selbstbewusstsein, Vertrauen und Selbstakzeptanz

Das Selbstwertgefühl / die Art und Weise, wie man sich selbst beurteilen, baut auf und wächst mit gewissen Wurzeln - diese Wurzeln würde ich nennen ... Achtsamkeit auf sich selber - Wahrnehmen wer und was man ist und sein will, Persönlichkeit, die eigene Fähigkeiten und Ziele sowie die Überzeugung vom eigenen Handeln Vertrauen auf und in sich selbst – glaube an dich und deine Stärken Selbstakzeptanz - Akzeptieren Sie Ihre Schwächen, Neigungen im Guten und 'Anderen', manchmal ist man ggf. von sich selber überrascht oder auch erschreckt, und man kann daran arbeiten, es ändern oder besser noch akzeptieren und damit umgehen und man sollte daran glauben, dass man ist wie und was man ist und es immer gut genug ist. Jeder wird mit diesen Wurzeln geboren, aber man muss an ihnen arbeiten, um sie stabil und stark zu machen - es liegt an jedem Einzelnen, sich um diese, seine eigenen Wurzeln und sich selbst zu kümmern. Und die Anerkennung, die wir von anderen erhalten – schon als Kinder – ...

Self-Esteem - Confidence, Self-Awareness, Trust and Acceptance of Oneself

The feeling of self-worth / the way you judge yourself, is built on / growing on your roots of ... confidence and awareness of yourself - the knowledge of your personality, your abilities and your goals as well as the conviction of your own actions trust in yourself - believing in yourself and your strengths acceptance of yourself - accepting your weaknesses and knowing that you are always good enough Everyone is born with these roots, but you have to work on them to make them stable and strong - it is up to you to care for these roots and yourself. And the recognition we receive from others - starting when we were children - affects how we feel about ourselves as adults. If you were laughed at because we missed certain goals or you were constantly picked last for the team, you may still think today that you are not good or get attention or not the way we like to get. A lack of respect, ridicule and distrust can damage feeling of self-worth and the way you judge yourself. As a result, ...

Bundespressekonferenz in Berlin - Ethikrat: Stärkung von Suizidprävention und Selbstbestimmung

Heute am 22. September 2022 stellt der Deutsche Ethikrat in der Bundespressekonferenz in Berlin seine Stellungnahme „Suizid – Verantwortung, Prävention und Freiverantwortlichkeit“ vor.  Damit verfolgt der Ethikrat drei zentrale Anliegen:  ein angemessenes Bewusstsein für die Vielschichtigkeit von Suizidalität schaffen,  die Voraussetzungen freiverantwortlicher Suizidentscheidungen präzisieren die unterschiedlich gelagerten Verantwortungen verschiedener Akteurinnen und Akteure im Kontext von Suizidentscheidungen und -prävention aufzuzeigen Der vollständige Wortlaut der Stellungnahme  „Suizid – Verantwortung, Prävention und Freiverantwortlichkeit“  ist abrufbar unter: (pdf | 2 MB).

Picked up your backpack of pride and hoist the sails to freedom, which landed in the land of change

To understand others, it is absolutely essential and inevitable that you see and understand your true values. Self-awareness, self-understanding, self-acceptance, and self-respect are the vital foundations to develop these values and empathy for other people - It helps improve self-esteem, personality, confidence, and the various relationships people build with one another. Change begins from within, and self-respect plays a huge role in bringing such change. On the flip side, without these foundations, it is / it will be difficult to have honesty, confidence, and integrity. Many people have been criticizing themselves for years, and in almost each case - I can tell you - it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens! Self-belief is not self-centered. And too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are. We can only fight effectively for others if we already believe in ourselves. Believe in yourself! We should keep in m...

Trees - Symbol of Trust, Confidence, and Faith

I already mentioned here and there in my articles that I am thinking in pictures. Depending on the context - when I am thinking about trust, confidence, faith, trustfulness, and resilience - I do have trees in my mind. It might sound strange or crazy - but perhaps you can understand it in a metaphorical sense - when I say a forest is like a group of people and trees like brothers and sisters. And an appropriate image to symbolize humanity: We too stand tall on this earth and stretch our arms to heaven. At the same time, trees make us aware of how small, fading and partly changing a person's lifespan is. Trees can connect us to time and the horizon. Trees give us a sense of timelessness and connect us to the past. The tree in the changing of the seasons symbolizes our own life story of becoming and passing away. For me, trees have always been a kind of / or mixture of a companion, calm anchor or call it guardian. In the highest crowns of trees, the world rustles, their roots rest st...

Songs about Hope, Faith and Courage

I already shared in my articles that I and others can find power in many things - and one of these things is music and if you like dancing . No matter who you are / who we are - I guess nobody told anybody that life is easy.  It finally it should be fun, exciting, and interesting, but lever the less it will have a lot of hard times and most of the times will be challenging. Sadly, or to be honest it is good that life does not come with an instructions’ manual - and I guess none of us has a superpower - which will help us in all the difficult moments. but we should keep hope, faith and courage. Together with faith, hope shows us where we should be and how we can get there. The hope and the wishing something might and would happen - Faith and believing that something will happen - and our courage let it happen. Check out these songs to get some tunes and lyrics with amazing power of hope and faith.  Learn how to cultivate hope and faith in our own life. Bon Jovi - “Keep the Fait...

Grief is the price we pay for love

Grief is a part of us from the death-day onward and we carry it with us as long as we live. That doesn't mean we're standing still - the grief will only accompany us from now on.  And it would be nice and great when the people around the griefer let them feel that way and just acknowledge it. With a smile and love. And please never forget: the grief stays with you. The grief takes different forms; it gets quieter and after a while it doesn't afflict, scare and put stress and pressure on us that much anymore. But grief doesn't go away anymore - it will stay with us - it stays with us as the good memories of living with our loved ones - who we had to let go.       

Sterbehilfe eine ethische Zwickmühle

In jedem Fall in der Gesellschaft, in Politik und dem gesetzlichen Rahmen, in der Philosophie, Weltanschauung, Religionen finden die Problematiken der Sterbehilfe deren zentralen Themen in den ethischen Debatten. In der Debatte treffen die Betrachtungsweisen, Voraussetzungen und Bewertung menschlichen Handelns und das methodische Nachdenken über die Moral und Ethischen Betrachtungen aufeinander - auf der einen Seite die christlichen Ethiken und andere dogmatische geistige Korsetts -  zum anderen liberalere Auffassung - bis hin zu Personen und Gruppen die Relativität oder Subjektivität aller Werte proklamieren oder Leuten von unterschiedlichsten und persönlichen Meinungen, die die Debatte ebenfalls prägend und bereichern Die unterschiedlichen Ethisch / Moralischen Bewertungen und Ansichten beruhen, so nehme ich es wahr, auf einem unterschiedlichen Menschenbild, aus dem jeweils eine andere moralische Forderung erwächst.  Politische Debatte Diese Debatte bzw nicht vollzogene Deba...

I believe in love - I always did and will always do

I believe in true love - I always did. I believe in love at first sight. I believe love conquers all. I believe it can feel weird but all so right. And that doesn't mean there's not gonna be hard days or difficult things to deal with, because there will be. But finding that person who does it for you and knowing that person loves you too will makes everything so much easier and set you free.

Fast Car - A song about relationship which fails to work

And I had a feeling that I belonged I had a feeling I could be someone Be someone, be someone I think everyone had or know about relationship which fails to work out mainly because it didn’t start from the right place. Any place is better Starting from zero, got nothing to lose Maybe we'll make something Me myself I got nothing to prove You've got a fast car Is it fast enough so we can fly away? We gotta make a decision We leave tonight or live and die this way Well I think I do not need to tell you much more - listen to the lyric - really listen and feel it - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - This amazing woman and song writer gave as a number of great songs - Thank You Tracy Chapman A few thoughts ... Throughout the song, in almost every verse, there is a theme of hope. The singer tells that she makes a less than ideal choice to get involved with a man with a car that is obviously not a good person, but it's evident that not only is she unhappy with ...

Patientenverfügung und Sterbehilfe

Das Wichtigste vorweg - Jeder kann eine Sterbehilfe in der Patientenverfügung festlegen. In einer Patientenverfügung können Sie demnach erlaubte Formen der Sterbehilfe festlegen. Ganz ganz wichtiger .- noch wichtiger als für alle anderen Passagen einer Patientenverfügung gilt ... Passgenauigkeit -  Seien sie sehr konkret und eindeutig was sie wann und wie wollen. Neben der Passgenauigkeit ist die Selbstbestimmungsfähigkeit, Einwilligungsfähigkeit, und  Urteilsfähigkeit (siehe unbedingt einer der letzten Absätze diese Artikels) des Einzelnen bei der Abfassung der Patientenverfügung Voraussetzung für deren Gültigkeit sehr wichtig - wenn nicht unabdingbar. Sprich sie müssen konkrete Situationen und konkrete medizinische Maßnahmen beschreiben, in denen sie auf lebenserhaltende Geräte oder Behandlungen verzichten möchten.  Sie nicht nur zum Beispiel eine Wiederbelebung oder künstliche Ernährung im Endstadium einer tödlichen Krankheit ablehnen sondern die ei...