Self-Esteem - Confidence, Self-Awareness, Trust and Acceptance of Oneself

The feeling of self-worth / the way you judge yourself, is built on / growing on your roots of ...

  • confidence and awareness of yourself - the knowledge of your personality, your abilities and your goals as well as the conviction of your own actions
  • trust in yourself - believing in yourself and your strengths
  • acceptance of yourself - accepting your weaknesses and knowing that you are always good enough

Everyone is born with these roots, but you have to work on them to make them stable and strong - it is up to you to care for these roots and yourself. And the recognition we receive from others - starting when we were children - affects how we feel about ourselves as adults.

If you were laughed at because we missed certain goals or you were constantly picked last for the team, you may still think today that you are not good or get attention or not the way we like to get. A lack of respect, ridicule and distrust can damage feeling of self-worth and the way you judge yourself. As a result, children develop deep convictions, so-called beliefs. This self-doubt tends to solidify over the years. And that, although in most cases they do not correspond to the truth at all.

Typical aspects and factors which weak confidence, self-awareness, trust and acceptance of oneself

  •     racial social exclusion or feeling of isolation
  •     gossip or bullying
  •     feeling of guilt and transfer of guilt
  •     pressure to perform
  •     defeats and discomfiture

In turn, there are so many points, aspects and factors that can positively influence one's confidence, self-awareness, trust and acceptance

  •     sense of achievements and lifts
  •     spirit and sense of community, belonging
  •     affection, attention and caring by parents or partner(s), friends, family ...
  •     praise and recognition
  •     talent development and encouragement of talent, interests and abilities

5 practices I can suggest - which will boost and will have positively influence on your confidence, self-awareness, trust and acceptance and make you both happier and more successful:

  1. Quality Time - Make time for yourself every day - What people with high self-esteem have in common is that they know and understand themselves extremely well. They know what is good for them and what is not, where their talents are and what skills they would like to develop. And they act accordantly. This will make you happier and more independent in the long run. Take a few minutes of quality time every day - only for you, i.e. time when you are undisturbed. You can meditate, write down your thoughts or go into nature.
  2. Do something you love every day - When we spend time doing things we love, we get into a good flow into a good state: once we do something we lobe we forget everything around us and go completely into the good moment and what you love to do. This creates inner satisfaction and strengthens your self-esteem.  So do something every day that puts you in a state of happiness - whether it's reading, walking your dog, exercising or cooking.
  3. Be inspired by others - Being inspired by other people is great and can help you in many moments of life. What you should avoid, however, is constantly comparing yourself. There will always be someone who makes more money, is quicker, or is fitter has the nicer hair cut or or or. Comparisons lead to judgement and prioritization. And let's be honest: In most cases, we come off badly or lose out on it - because we consider ourselves to be undisciplined, less fit, less important, less relevant - so a number of bad feelings and bad judgement. Instead of that ask yourself things like: What can I learn from the other? What do we already have in common? What inspires me?
  4. Get moving and eat healthy - Self-esteem is strongly connected to how comfortable you are in your own body. So, you can work on it by promoting a good relationship with your body. This works best with daily exercise and a healthy diet.
  5. Don't nit-pick with compliments -When was the last time you complimented someone? How did it feel? Do you remember the smile of your counterpart and the good feeling that was in the room afterwards? With compliments you not only strengthen the self-esteem of another person, but also your own. Putting positive thoughts into words charges us with energy and self-love. Making and passing compliments are one thing. Also, learn to accept compliments from others without judging or questioning them.

In this context, please read as well ...

Picked up your backpack of pride and hoist the sails to freedom, which landed in the land of change

Further articles about self-awareness


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