May 12th is International Nurses Day

International Nurses Day is an international day observed around the world on 12 May (the anniversary of Florence Nightingale's birth) each year, to mark the contributions that nurses make to society. 
Florence Nightingale (May 12th 1820 – August 13th 1910) was an English social reformer, statistician and the founder of modern nursing. Nightingale gave nursing a favorable reputation and became an icon of Victorian culture, especially in the persona of "The Lady with the Lamp" making rounds of wounded soldiers at night.

The role of nurses and caregivers is so much more than the help and care at first glance - and what most people are talking about - Providing a listening ear to your loved one, and showing care and emphatic support is what I like to stress and make people aware of.
Caregiving has always been important to families, friends and communities, but over the recent 3 years, caregiving has escalated even more in its value and significance. The necessity for caregiving has intensified, the definition of caregiving has expanded and its impact on life and work has increased.

Caregiving is a critical part of a strong society. Caregivers provide support to those who are elderly, young or in need of direct aid, and they also contribute to the fabric of our overall community. Resilient communities are those in which people can rely on each other, trust each other, ask for help and pull each other through hard times. And these times are certainly tough. They remind us how much we all need each other—and how much caring—not just caregiving—is critical to our individual and collective wellbeing.

Caregivers are the unseen heroes of the healthcare system. They are the glue and the heart of healthcare and care for people who need help. 
Caregivers and nurses: 'just two words' to describe people strong enough to tolerate anything and soft and emphatic enough to understand people. The best way to find yourself is to find yourself in the service of others.

In this context:

Recommendations and advices for caregivers

Other articles about care - as most of these in German use the browser based translation options or other tools


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