High and Low Tide in Life

The ups and downs in life often feel like ebbs and flows - But the tides aren't the only things in nature and life that have their 'up' and 'down', the 'out' and 'in' respectively. .

First of all, we should remember that it is "ebb and flow" - not "ebb and never return".

The same goes for many things, events and interests in life. And the nice thing is you can rely on it and trust it.

And yes, the laws of ebb and flow do not always apply.

However, as with all 'reliability in life', the ideas for this do not apply to all situations. For example, when I say we should meet our need for variety, I most certainly do NOT mean that we do when it comes to your job or your significant other. At least not in the direct sense - even if this were possible. But you always have to be aware of the consequences that some high and low tides have - figuratively speaking, rip currents that could pull you onto the open ocean.

(I had such a real experience of a riptide when I didn't know the rules of surfing at all writing this remind me on a song I heard after I almost drowned in the Pacific - but back to my thoughts about ebbs and flows)

Remember that the ebb and flow have rules. Sometimes we have to let them happen, often they can just help us achieve or change something, and sometimes we can slow them down or force them.

In summary...

All of our interests in life ebb and flow. There will be days when we are excited to hear a particular concert and other days when we are not interested. But just because we don't want to hear it today doesn't mean we'll never be interested in it again. Nor does it mean that we should worry about our lack of excitement, no matter how tempting that sounds at times. As we have seen, this is a great way to cause more pain (in the form of depression and disillusionment) than we are currently experiencing due to our waning interest.

Finally, when our interests wane, we need to have the awareness to look for other forms of excitement so we don't give ourselves a chance to engage in such negative ways of thinking. Contrary to intuition, this often gives us a much-needed break from things we've let go of and allows us to regain the interest and enthusiasm we once had for them.
The only challenge however, is that we must be careful about what forms of excitement we seek lest we risk losing our friendships, intimate relationships, and jobs in the process. If we all use these wisely, I think we have a good chance of turning the tide and avoiding being dragged out to sea.
While this isn't always easy, it still seems to be the optimal strategy and a formidable counter to the despair and disillusionment that sometimes arise as a natural consequence of life's ups and downs.

Find Balance

Your / our journeys comprise feelings of self-doubt. Desire, care, faith, hope, and love power us through this negativity, anxiety, despair, and doubt. Mental and spiritual resolve are sometimes all we’ve got - and not forgetting self-respect and self-awareness! We reach our destiny because we believe it, desire it, and burn for it with passion and love.
We keep going even when the freshet / tide are against you, when life throws you one curveballs after the other, and when circumstances are not ideal and when no one seems to believe in us except ourselves.
It’s by visualizing the big wins that we further ourselves toward achieving them. Think about your big dream. What does it look like? Craft a vivid image in your mind and keep working toward it.

That’s the moment you’ve been dreaming about all your life. It’s within your reach. But understand this - by embracing all of life’s ups and downs, you learn to craft a mindset that achieves balance. This will power you forward and build endurance and perseverance. This is what you need to live your best life.

Thanks for reading and always have a good course.
And a few more thoughts of life

Look back & See Memories and Experience

Look forward & See Hope and Confidence

Look around & Find Others and the World

Look within & Find Yourself


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