International Day of Happiness - March 20th

International Day of Happiness aims to celebrate happiness all over the world, inspiring people to spread positivity, whether big or small, with others and encouraging each nation to prioritize the happiness of its citizens.

March 20th is the UN International Day of Happiness. We can create a happier and kinder world together by adopting simple, daily practices.

This year’s theme is: ‘Be Mindful. Be Grateful. Be Kind

Maybe you’ve always thought of yourself as being a “glass half full” or “glass half empty” kind of person.  And many people think, that’s just the way they were born. - I firmly believe it is the way how they see the world, their life or in the very moment.
While some people seem to be naturally happier and some have to work harder at it, everyone can implement practices in their lives shown to elevate satisfaction and joy. 

Research tells us that when people feel happier, they are more resilient, more productive at work, and nicer to be around. We are simply more successful when we are happy and 'surprise' we enjoy life and can accept challenges, bad times as we see the bad and the good as part of life - and as a journey - a journey we can take as it is and make the best for us, for others and the society.

Five things you might adopt and develop

  • Know that life is difficult and suffering is to be expected
  • Expect to have negative experiences and emotions and accept them
  • Stop arguing with reality
  • Adopt a positive outlook
  • Don’t buy into everything that pops into your head
Life is what it is - and there is a quote I like very much - as it holds so much truth and help: "I like to have the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference."  ( Articles I wrote about Serenity )

Making fitness part of your wellbeing

We all know about the benefits of health, physical fitness and training. I see it the same with mental health ? Having and showing awareness, being kind, being grateful, being mindful, and having trust are exercises you and every one can practice and establish - you can increase your focus and leave you feeling more empowered, with enhanced self-mastery and a mindset that gives you better control over your life. But like anything, getting fit takes commitment and doing it.

And if you do not believe me ...

perhaps you do believe - when listen to Katarina Blom's talk only for 15min:


  1. Comments and feedback are always welcome - I will read them and if possible I will reply - but I will not publish any comments


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