Christmas Thoughts for 2023 if you are mourning, feeling bad or sad, or alone

Yes, it is cold out there. But as much as we like to moan about the weather, about the icy winds and sunless skies, the winter brings a moment of calmness to the world.

It's as if nature itself is telling us to slow down; to take a step back from our fast-paced lives and adopt a more laid-back approach.

So, let's wrap up warm and embrace the cold season. It's the perfect time to reflect; to spend quality time with loved ones. And, to appreciate the simple joys in life.

And for many of us, as the nights grow longer, so does the time spent with friends and family. We’re more inclined to reach out and make plans, dust off the board games, and rewatch our favorite holiday movies, like 'Home Alone', or 'Gremlins' - or my favorites are 'Die Hard' and 'Little Lord Fauntleroy'.

I already share a few thoughts if you are mourning, feeling bad or sad, or alone. 
May the coming year be better than this one. Wishing you joy and good cheer throughout the holiday season and know that you are in one's thoughts.

Spending the Holidays Alone - A few Hints and Thoughts

Managing Bereavement during the Holidays


  1. As always feel free to share your thoughts and comments. I will read them, build on your ideas , think about them and reply if possible - but I will not publish them - thx for your understanding.


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