New Year's Eve 2023 thougths

Saying good-bye and letting go of what was, transforming to what lies ahead.

In 2023, a lot happened. I can't even begin to describe how much it means in words. Many of us experienced growth, change, ... you name it - so many changed that only a few years ago we could not have imagined.

In your struggle, nobody is alone. You're not the only one who worries about what might happen next. And more and more, we all become aware of the little and significant shifts in who we are, how we perceive the world and reality, and how our awareness has changed. 

Our drive to achieve goals is influenced by our level of confidence, which is why I wrote an article a few days ago. Having a confident base is essential while trying to modify our unhealthy habits or adopt new, healthier ones. Confidence plays a role in our motivation to pursue goals and so when we address how to change our existing undesirable behavior (e.g., excess eating, drinking, vaping, spending), or want to pursue new healthy behaviors (e.g., travelling, exercise, nutrition, socializing), having a confident foundation is key - that why I posted an article just a few days ago.

... and a poem to end it for today ...

2023 is almost over.
and 2024 is about to begin.
Say goodbye to all what lays behind.
Move on with a positive thing.

Forget the 'typical' resolutions.
They are never what they seem.
Resolutions are no sooner made than broken.
It's far better to follow your dream.

Let's pray for health and happiness
confidence and peace in the future too.
And as those bells ring out at midnight,
I hope the good thoughts we dream come true.

Embrace the new year with an open heart and a fierce spirit. Cheers to new horizons!

And if  you really need a resolution  - Let our New Year’s resolution be this:
Let us be there for one another as fellow members of humanity, in the finest sense of the word.


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