Reflecting on Principles and Values

Identifying and understanding your values might be or most often  is a challenging and important exercise. Your personal values form a significant aspect of who you are, and who you aspire to be. By being more aware of these significant elements in your life, you can use them to make the most suitable decision in any situation. Some of life's decisions revolve around identifying what you value the most. When multiple options seem plausible, it is comforting and beneficial to rely on your principles as a strong guiding force to steer you in the right direction.

What is the significance of holding values?

Your values are the beliefs and ethics you deem significant in influencing the course of your lifestyle and work. These principles should ideally govern your priorities and guide your choices as well as your behaviour towards others. When your actions align with your principles, life seems rewarding.

Why are personal values crucial?

Recognizing your values could significantly ease your life and enhance your joy. This occurs when you acknowledge your principles and values  and make decisions that respect them, thus permitting you to make truly enlightened choices about your lifestyle. By understanding your priorities, you can figure out the most suitable path for you and pursue meaningful life objectives.
And perhaps you might do it like myself - my priorities are switched in the way that I live and work.

Just a 'small' list of  Personal Core Values ...

  1. Accountability
  2. Accuracy
  3. Achievement
  4. Adventurousness
  5. Altruism
  6. Ambition
  7. Assertiveness
  8. Balance
  9. Being the best
  10. Belonging
  11. Boldness
  12. Calmness
  13. Carefulness
  14. Challenge
  15. Cheerfulness
  16. Clear-mindedness
  17. Commitment
  18. Community
  19. Compassion
  20. Competitiveness
  21. Consistency
  22. Contentment
  23. Continuous Improvement
  24. Contribution
  25. Control
  26. Cooperation
  27. Correctness
  28. Courtesy
  29. Creativity
  30. Curiosity
  31. Decisiveness
  32. Democraticness
  33. Dependability
  34. Determination
  35. Devoutness
  36. Diligence
  37. Discipline
  38. Discretion
  39. Diversity
  40. Dynamism
  41. Economy
  42. Effectiveness
  43. Efficiency
  44. Elegance
  45. Empathy
  46. Enjoyment
  47. Enthusiasm
  48. Equality
  49. Excellence
  50. Excitement
  51. Expertise
  52. Exploration
  53. Expressiveness
  54. Fairness
  55. Faith
  56. Family-orientedness
  57. Fidelity
  58. Fitness
  59. Fluency
  60. Focus
  61. Freedom
  62. Fun
  63. Generosity
  64. Goodness
  65. Grace
  66. Gratefulness
  67. Growth
  68. Happiness
  69. Hard work
  70. Health
  71. Helping society
  72. Holiness
  73. Honesty
  74. Honor
  75. Humility
  76. Independence
  77. Ingenuity
  78. Inner harmony
  79. Inquisitiveness
  80. Insightfulness
  81. Intelligence
  82. Intellectual status
  83. Intuition
  84. Joy
  85. Justice
  86. Leadership
  87. Legacy
  88. Love
  89. Loyalty
  90. Making a Difference
  91. Mastery
  92. Merit
  93. Obedience
  94. Openness
  95. Order
  96. Originality
  97. Patriotism
  98. Perfection
  99. Piety
  100. Positivity
  101. Practicality
  102. Preparedness
  103. Professionalism
  104. Prudence
  105. Quality-orientation
  106. Reliability
  107. Resourcefulness
  108. Restraint
  109. Results-oriented
  110. Rigor
  111. Security
  112. Self-actualization
  113. Self-control
  114. Selflessness
  115. Self-reliance
  116. Sensitivity
  117. Serenity
  118. Service
  119. Shrewdness
  120. Simplicity
  121. Soundness
  122. Speed
  123. Spontaneity
  124. Stability
  125. Strategic
  126. Strength
  127. Structure
  128. Success
  129. Support
  130. Teamwork
  131. Temperance
  132. Thankfulness
  133. Thoroughness
  134. Thoughtfulness
  135. Timeliness
  136. Tolerance
  137. Traditionalism
  138. Trustworthiness
  139. Truth-seeking
  140. Understanding
  141. Uniqueness
  142. Unity
  143. Usefulness
  144. Vision Vitality

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