Reflecting on Principles and Values
Identifying and understanding your values might be or most often is a challenging and important exercise. Your personal values form a significant aspect of who you are, and who you aspire to be. By being more aware of these significant elements in your life, you can use them to make the most suitable decision in any situation. Some of life's decisions revolve around identifying what you value the most. When multiple options seem plausible, it is comforting and beneficial to rely on your principles as a strong guiding force to steer you in the right direction.
What is the significance of holding values?
Your values are the beliefs and ethics you deem significant in influencing the course of your lifestyle and work. These principles should ideally govern your priorities and guide your choices as well as your behaviour towards others. When your actions align with your principles, life seems rewarding.
Why are personal values crucial?
Recognizing your values could significantly ease your life and enhance your joy. This occurs when you acknowledge your principles and values and make decisions that respect them, thus permitting you to make truly enlightened choices about your lifestyle. By understanding your priorities, you can figure out the most suitable path for you and pursue meaningful life objectives.
And perhaps you might do it like myself - my priorities are switched in the way that I live and work.
Just a 'small' list of Personal Core Values ...
- Accountability
- Accuracy
- Achievement
- Adventurousness
- Altruism
- Ambition
- Assertiveness
- Balance
- Being the best
- Belonging
- Boldness
- Calmness
- Carefulness
- Challenge
- Cheerfulness
- Clear-mindedness
- Commitment
- Community
- Compassion
- Competitiveness
- Consistency
- Contentment
- Continuous Improvement
- Contribution
- Control
- Cooperation
- Correctness
- Courtesy
- Creativity
- Curiosity
- Decisiveness
- Democraticness
- Dependability
- Determination
- Devoutness
- Diligence
- Discipline
- Discretion
- Diversity
- Dynamism
- Economy
- Effectiveness
- Efficiency
- Elegance
- Empathy
- Enjoyment
- Enthusiasm
- Equality
- Excellence
- Excitement
- Expertise
- Exploration
- Expressiveness
- Fairness
- Faith
- Family-orientedness
- Fidelity
- Fitness
- Fluency
- Focus
- Freedom
- Fun
- Generosity
- Goodness
- Grace
- Gratefulness
- Growth
- Happiness
- Hard work
- Health
- Helping society
- Holiness
- Honesty
- Honor
- Humility
- Independence
- Ingenuity
- Inner harmony
- Inquisitiveness
- Insightfulness
- Intelligence
- Intellectual status
- Intuition
- Joy
- Justice
- Leadership
- Legacy
- Love
- Loyalty
- Making a Difference
- Mastery
- Merit
- Obedience
- Openness
- Order
- Originality
- Patriotism
- Perfection
- Piety
- Positivity
- Practicality
- Preparedness
- Professionalism
- Prudence
- Quality-orientation
- Reliability
- Resourcefulness
- Restraint
- Results-oriented
- Rigor
- Security
- Self-actualization
- Self-control
- Selflessness
- Self-reliance
- Sensitivity
- Serenity
- Service
- Shrewdness
- Simplicity
- Soundness
- Speed
- Spontaneity
- Stability
- Strategic
- Strength
- Structure
- Success
- Support
- Teamwork
- Temperance
- Thankfulness
- Thoroughness
- Thoughtfulness
- Timeliness
- Tolerance
- Traditionalism
- Trustworthiness
- Truth-seeking
- Understanding
- Uniqueness
- Unity
- Usefulness
- Vision Vitality
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