Perspectives for the Future

In the first days after my wife passed away – my grief surrounded me like a fog. A spongy, thick, nebulous, and vague feeling – a kind of barrier between myself and the world – even common things like having breakfast, lunch or dinner did felt needed. 
After 6 weeks spending under and with this ‘fog’ – there is a worry that it might become a part of everyday life – at the same time I think ...
All I want to do is to feel better” or “I want to feel normal
 … but just a second later I worried and still worry to lose the connection to my wife.

But since a few days - while the fog fades -  I realize that I can see a little further in front of me. 
Things are more colorful and they’re coming into clarity. The days start getting a little bit easier, the nights a little more restful.
I discovered that I had comprehend that my pain has become the expression of my lost love - the way I honor my wife, the one consistent link between living with her and living without her, and an element of proof that her life left an unerasable mark.

On the one hand I want to grief and I want to remember all the good moments we had – and we had so so much – And on the other hand I am feeling extremely conflicted about the wish to feel better and to grief. -  How can I solve this conflict? 

And I asked myself …
I wonder whether my loved one’s memory must live in the pain of my grief. And my quick answer is NO – one reason is as my wife gave me the order to enjoy life until we meet again on the other side of the bridge. 
  • I want and will learn to manage my emotional pain and, slowly but surely, 
  • I am sure – I will get a little more control over the memory. And my wife will live in the good deeds she did, in the story I tell or hear about her, in hear and feel she in the music she liked and in the flowers and nature she loved so much or by cooking or eating one of her favorite dishes.
  • I want to get familiar with the idea that as pain and grief temper – I would love to find more space to continue bonds and to keep my loved one’s love and memory alive.
  • I want on my way / move forward and find a ‘new normal’ for myself – keep my connection to my wife so that she can be part of my life or my daily life. 
Perhaps by ...
  • Incorporate my wife one into events and special days.
  • Imagining a conversation with her, what she would have said, and the advice she might have given when I have to make big decisions.
  • Go for a ride on a horse – I guess I can feel closeness to my wife as she loved riding and we enjoyed it both so much.

Perspectives for the future - Reflections of life ...


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