Thoughts about ‘life’, ‘joy’, ‘love’ ... Dare to Dream

Currently I am thinking a lot about ‘life’, ‘joy’, ‘love’, ...

Life is a unique journey, choosing to live it to fullness lays in our own hands. Even these hands might feel as they were bound or fettered. Or when I remember that our house was overflowed by high flood waters it felt like bog down and be bemired. Or after our house fire nothing was like before and my hands didn’t feel as they were mine - partly physically burned but much more mentally burned and no feelings.

Feeling bound or fettered from time to time is part of life - because there are times while we ask us, our life and our karma: “Why it's all too often so hard or feel so hard to live.” … and as I mentioned and you read before in addition to the ‘general’ challenges we all have to face in life I had to pass a flood and fire disaster within a few years … but none the less, I may answer because it should be like this.

However, even I have these moments it might be or should be not that challenging - I firmly believe that there is no joy in getting things easily - acting, working, fighting hard to achieve something will make difference.

There are multiple paths in front of me, you and us and we must choose individually, we might or may get lost, we might get exhausted or tired, and all to often we might get overwhelmed, may have doubt whether it’s the right path, everything begins and ends with ourself … yes, it's me, you, we … it always the individual person who can control it, who can defeat the challenges - everyone is her / his own author of the own reality …
Dream for yourself
Believe in yourself

Our own unique mindset, thoughts, and ideas are the basement to create and illustrate our own story book and script of life
It's never easy to change or to adapt but everyone hahas to light the fire inside themself, so that the light that will guide in the worse and the best.
Dare to dream


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