Thoughts - thoughts about moving beyond grief

Thoughts - thoughts about moving beyond grief - the grief I fell after losing my wife, my partner, my other half - my better half

Currently I live without a thought for tomorrow - and I am only living from day to day

 And I am far from finding ways to get my life back to normal - because I have no idea what is the 'normal' - - all what was 'normal' during the last 11 years is now away - left me - is not existing anymore

More or less in the moment when my my spouse died, the world changed - my world changed - all fall into pieces.

I am in mourning - feeling grief and sorrow at the loss. I feel both physical and emotional pain. Out of the blue I often cry easily and have a hard time ...

  • making decisions
  • sleeping well in the night
  • reminding me to eat - having little interest in food
  • concentration on things - All too often I take my  mind off things - I divert myself with doing 'stupid things' - e.g I am returning deposit bottles even this could wait 

In addition to my grieving, process and dealing with my feelings of the loss, I fell and see the pressure and the need to put my own life back together. This is so crazy. 

But I don't want to make any major changes right away. I firmly believe / think that it's a good idea to wait for a while before making big decisions like searching for a new home and moving.

I am far away from the moment that I can go through my wife's clothes and other personal items. And I think there is no rush - I do it slowly and with my own pace.

I try to not forget and I have to remind myself again and again to take care of myself. 

That it's OK to excepting and get help from my wife's and my family or even professionals. 

I will be open to new experiences. And I am working to not feel guilty if I laugh at a joke or enjoy a visit with a friend. 

Even it will be tough time ahead of me - I am adjusting to life without my spouse. - And I know that what my wife would want and expect from me.


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