Grief is a Process

Grief is that process that helps us gradually accept the loss and allow the dead to be gone from our lives but always remembered.

Because although a loved one may be gone, you can keep their memory and legacy alive by celebrating their life.

What I have learned about my loss, it is about to realize that you will never really stop missing the person who left, went or passed away.

What I have learned about grief

I have the impression that grief is never something I get over AND I currently think I even want not. I firmly think that I will not wake up one morning and say, ‘I’ve conquered that; now I’m moving on.

From time to time I admit a thought that grief is just love - love I shared or couldn’t share with my wife- or the love I wanted to give but cannot anymore.
All of that unspent love gathers up in the corners of myself, the tightness of my chest, the lump in my throat, … love with no place to go.
By this thought about Love&Grief - you might understand why I think that I and perhaps nobody can stop grieving - as it would mean stopping to love - anyhow, that's my understanding.

Grief is something that will walk beside me every day - and it already does partly - Since a few days.

I feel that sad memories and feelings are getting replaced by good memories and feelings.
And I am sure I can learn how to manage it and honor my wife by my memories and stories I tell others about her - how great she was, I take something that is sad and I am finding methods to form of positivity.
I try to think less and less of all the sad moments, feelings and pain, but of all the beauty that remains, all the good things and moments I shared and experienced with my beloved wife,
I am transforming my grief into remembrance, because I have the strong believe that I will magnifying the memories of my wife-and also giving something of my wife to other people, so they can experience something of my wife.
I just have to learn to live around the huge gap
and the love my wife left behind.

I do not see the gap as scary or frightening...
because the gap is filled with love I felt and feel - and will find again on the other side of the bridge - but this 'other side' can wait.
Meanwhile the gap is decorated and entwined by good memories.
And my wife's good advices I got in the recent years and her love is my lighthouse.


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