Varying moods about my wife - My North Star - My Firefly full of Love and Joy

My wife made my time of my life
I never felt like this before
So, we took each other's hand
'Cause we seem to understand

She was the one thing
I couldn’t get enough of
But I had to let her go
Even I knew I will miss her so

I've had the time of my life with her
Now I must enjoy life on my own
But I know she will be with me in my heart
And I know she will be my north star and guard

Sadness and great memories cover my soul and come to my mind
while I’m thinking of her my beloved wife
I still have no clear idea what to do
But I know she will be with me and help me through

Life was not easy, but we always fought – fought for each other
She was always there for me – I was always there for her
Finally, I want to let her know that everything she did I appreciate
And I know in heaven she will wait

She will be my shadow during the day
And a light in the night - my firefly during summer solstice
More than that she will always be my North Star
and you play the sound of my life on her guitar

My wife was buried in a forest that serves as natural cemetery
And I took the picture at the evening after her funeral under the tree,
which was surrounded by a huge number of fireflies at this evening.


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