Overview of assisted suicide - September 2021

Nothing is more personal than how we define a good life . a life with dignity and as well a death with dignity. 
Dignity can be found in having that final choice, knowing that the dying person has control of a future, however limited, and the end-of-life decisions important to them.
Taking care of all what matters in life, death and what might will follow often gives peace of mind to those contemplating death, contributing to their emotional well-being, and helping to assure a dignified dying process. 

We all need legal boundary conditions - these are the conditions I collected for several states:

Legality of assisted suicide in ...

In Belgium, it can be part of a doctor's job to end a patient's life. It's been the law since 2002. 
Belgium has the most liberal euthanasia law in the world. And even though this country is predominantly Roman Catholic, surveys show overwhelming support here for the right to die by euthanasia.

Beginning of 2021, the Government of Canada announced that changes to Canada’s medical assistance in dying (MAID) law are officially in force. The new law includes changes to eligibility, procedural safeguards, and the framework for the federal government’s data collection and reporting regime.

As mentioned and outline in my blog posts before in German (Recht auf selbstbestimmtes Sterben) and English (Right to a Self-determined Death) German Federal Constitutional Court has stated, in a judgment pronounced in February 2020, that the prohibition of assisted suicide services set out in § 217 (which made assisted suicide a criminal offense) of the German Criminal Code is inoperative and violates the German Basic Law.

Legislation regulating palliative care as well as euthanasia and assisted suicide.

Act on the assessment of termination of life on request and assistance with suicide.

Organic Law 3/2021, of 24 March, regulating euthanasia.
Spain allows doctors to help adult patients who are terminally ill or have severe disabilities and suffer from excruciating pain. Mental illness is not a reason for euthanasia. Indirect euthanasia as an aid to suicide as well as active euthanasia in the form of the intended bringing about death are possible.

Swiss Criminal Code of 21 December 1937 (Status as of 1 July 2021)


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