Take care of your own needs and your power balance - Self-care is important for everyone!

Nowadays we all forced - not only by the pandemic. The everyday life, each business is subject to a constantly, permanently faster, changing world. and we all often have more than one role - at home, in business, spare time ... even as I am no father or mother - and even this article will be of help for everyone - this time I like to emphasize mothers and care-givers (I took care on my wife for 11 years 24/7 ) - especially mothers and care-givers are needing short breaks for self-care even more - mothers take care on so much up from the first blink of the baby's eye. Mothers and care-givers are often under constant stress almost around the clock. 

No matter what your job is - self-care is very important. So that you can do your job, so that you can be there for your family AND be there for yourself.

We all know that we cannot take care of others or do our best if we don't take care of ourselves as well.

Take care of your own needs and your power balance and listen to your own, your feelings, emotions, and even physical signals - I am pretty sure you know the idiom: "break one's back to do something" meaning To put forth a great deal of effort to do or accomplish something  or  the saying "to be a pain in the neck" and that is what I mean. Headache, neck and back pain or painful joints and muscles all of this can be physical signals that you should care more about yourself.

It doesn't take much to protect yourself from the consequences of negative stress. Self-care is the first step to taking care of your own health. Plan a mini break / time out every day for yourself - and you will be able to look forward to something good time everyday and after the break knowing and having a more or completely relaxed rest of the day.

And if you make it a habit to take good care of yourself, it will have a very positive impact on your life as person, as human, as colleague and as a mom too.

When you are too busy and don't make time for yourself - it is likely that life is running away from you. Your inner attitude is very important - Self-care can encompass many things - but always you:

"I'm worth that I'm doing well."

Telling this sentence yourself shows that you are on the right path - but to be successful with it over the long term requires a regularly or even better a daily practice of self-care. It has to become a part of your life - you strengthen your resilience - the power to withstand challenging moments, times and difficult situations of life.

How does it work.

For sure - having a good time with a friend, a bath, or in a spa or or a cosmetic appointment - even I as a man enjoy an hour at my cosmetician - but Self-Care is more than only an occasional time-out. Sure we all know and enjoy occasional time-outs - which helps, but only temporarily, until you open the door and the battles of everyday life catch up with you again.

Self-care is like a protective shield - it promotes your well-being and help combat feelings of chaos and stress.

I firmly suggest to practice self-care in mother-nature - for instance I really and deeply enjoy a walk through the forest with my eyes and ears open - but where ever, when ever or however you practice self-care it will have positive effect on your mental and emotional state. Try it!

Self-care is a process and quickly in can become a habit

  • Take time for reflect and think about yourself or time for meditation
  • Pay attention to your own thoughts and feelings
  • Surround yourself with nice people
  • Take time for fun and enjoyment
  • Allow and question your own feelings, values and what really matters to you
  • Keep reflecting on yourself
  • Live your life - your own values and what you love

It might sounds a lot but it isn't  -  No fear and don't worry. You do a lot of things automatically. It's about finding a balance for you  -  And if you make it a habit to take good care of yourself, it will have a very positive impact on your life

Following is a list of self-care practices - that work for you, it is your choice

  • Healthy eating
  • Sufficient drinking is important 
  • Healthy and good sleeping
  • Exercise in the fresh air
  • Meditate regularly
  • Dance for emotional release - joy, sadness or just for feeling the feelings
  • Take every opportunity to laugh - humor should be part of your life
  • Live out your creativity 
  • Find your way of meditation and meditate regularly
  • Small breaks (bathtub, wellness weekend with friends)
  • Take time out with dear friends
  • Just allow yourself to do NOTHING
  • Very conscious social media breaks!
  • Don't compare yourself to others
  • Write down what you have learned in the last 2 years. You will be amazed!
  • Learn to say "no". It really doesn't hurt! Promised!
  • Get support and advice
  • Take time for beautiful books
  • Learn something you wish you had learned when you were a child
  • Use a journal for your thoughts
  • Use a gratitude journal daily

Just an example ...

Since a while after my lunch breaks I take a 15 to 20 min break - I lay down, I watch the clouds, listen to the world around me or I listen to a few songs which reminds me on something.
Or I go for a spin with my motorcycle - feeling the smooth steady rhythm of the engine 

Highway scenery pictured from a motorcycle while riding


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