What does peace mean to you? Inner Peace, Happiness and Satisfaction

We live in a hectic, busy, and restless world and time. We have little time to really assimilate, deal with, and digest what challenges us every day. How can we cope with the worries of daily life and find lasting serenity and achieve inner peace?

A better world starts with you and begins within you

And all too often one looks outside when they want to overcome their challenges and dissatisfactions. Most people also tend to only look outwards when they look at what is going wrong in their world. I think it's important to be active, but I've also observed that some people are driven by their inner dissatisfaction. 

If the main motivation for one's actions are dissatisfaction or in other words if the main motivation for one's actions are anger, fear, greed or even hatred, it will also be what these people will bring into the world.

Way too often we don't really know what's going on inside us. It is all the more important to get to know us. To see what is happening inside of us. Otherwise we will only carry on our emotions and frustrations to the outside world. - A better world starts with you and begins within you!

5 ways to connect with our inner peace

1 - Forgive and Accept What Was

Often we are in conflict with our past. So with things and situations that we can no longer change. We can't let go of it and play it over and over again in our minds. And then the dissatisfaction, pain and anger come up again.

It's like someone hurt us with an arrow. And what we often do now is to shoot new arrows into the wound. By holding on to our anger, we hurt ourselves. We can accept what is. Because that's the way it is. And forgiving is part of letting go.

Forgive others. It's less all about whether they deserve it. It's important because you deserve peace. It is so important to get rid of bad thoughts, black thoughts, bad experience - forgiving and accepting the things you cannot change anymore.

2 - Gratefulness

Life unfolds through you and you are part of this miracle. Isn't that wonderful? 

If you're reading this right now, then you can read. This is a gift. You can be grateful for that. You are probably sitting in the warm right now and have enough to eat and drink. You breath. You live in a country where there is peace. 

There is so much we can be thankful for right now. Making us aware of this makes us too-at-peace. What are you grateful for right now? And let me quote of Oprah Winfrey: “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” 

3 - Spending Good Time in Nature

Nature is for me and most people something of a natural peacemaker.

Time in nature recharges us, gives us relaxation, increases the feeling of connectedness and as well our inner peace. From an evolutionary point of view, it has always been normal and natural for humans to spend their time in the countryside, in forests, at or on a lakes, or just in your or a garden.

Nowadays we are most of the time in buildings without direct daylight. A walk in the forest, the fresh air, the light, the silence, the green - that can be healing and liberating for us. This is not an eco-blah-blah-blah. There are various studies on how spending time in nature, for example, lowers our stress levels and supports the healing of various diseases. What is your favorite childhood memory of nature?

I know / we all know that a nature walk will not solve the problems of this world. But it will either problems in your world or perhaps give you room to think or lift the fog of bad thoughts.

4 - Be Authentic and Honest

Living in harmony with our needs and our own values ​​makes you happy and ensures inner peace. This also includes not having to disguise ourselves in front of certain people, having the freedom to drop all pretence, as well as standing by ourselves and our values ​​in challenging situations. This also includes accepting us as we are. Accepting yourself with all strengths, highlights, mistakes and weaknesses. Of course, this also includes honesty. Especially in difficult situations, when we may behave unethically and have betrayed someone. Being able to look ourselves in the eye at the end of the day creates inner peace and lets us sleep peacefully. I know, I see, I understand that is not easy - but it will give you freedom and inner peace. And yes I have to admit that I am favored by fortune having great friends, family and a company, colleagues and manager (something I am very grateful (2).

5 - Doing Good / Bear a Helping Hand

The deepest happiness lies in giving and being able to help. When we know that we are contributing to more compassion and understanding in our work, ethical action and understanding, this connects us with our inner peace. This can start with small gestures like a smile and a "thank you".

It can be expressed in the way we talk to others, it can be expressed in the fact that we eat and consume in a way that we do not cause suffering to other people and animals.

And as you read from these examples: No matter where you are in your life, you can take small steps in this direction. You can do small but important things in your environment that contribute to peace and harmony in you and the world.

What does peace mean to you?

After all suggestions - It is important that you / we are active.

And in order for our actions to make a difference, it is also important that they come from a state of inner clarity, inner peace and compassion. If that is our nature, we naturally radiate these qualities through our actions and have an effect.

New Year's resolution / address a question to yourself

What does peace mean to you? And how would you like to cultivate it in yourself and in the world?

“Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy and serenity.”

Thich Nhat Hanh


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