Mental Health - You are not alone

Being able to be your true self is one of the strongest components of good mental health.

Sometimes the people around you won’t understand your journey. 

They don’t need to, it’s not for them.

But - You are not alone. 

You are seen. 

I am, we are, your friends and family are with you.

You are not alone.

Mental health is more than the absence of 'fun'.
It exists on a complex continuum, which is experienced differently from one person to the next, with varying degrees of difficulty and distress and potentially very different social and clinical outcomes.

Mental health is an integral component of maintaining good overall health.

When individuals are mentally healthy, they are able to realize their own abilities, cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively, and make positive contributions to their community.

It is important to do your best to find an outlet that allows you to be open and honest about your struggles, be it with a therapist, good friend, or family member.

Take care on yourself and others. And please keep in mind it takes ten times as long to put yourself back together as it does to fall apart.


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