Allowing to Die with Dignity - Assisted dying in New Zealand

 My wife could die in dignity one and a half year ago.

"This is my way, my will and my decision," my wife has mention over and over again over the past few days before she passed away on her own will. And she said as well: "I love life, I only wish I could live it, but I'm trapped with everything I have in my body - a body that I can't move anymore, a body that only others can touch, move, wash, ... - it's so degrading to me" 

Screenshot from the video - Esther laughing and the labeling Esther's Story
And one of her last sentences were: "See you on the other side."

In the following video, Esther used almost the same words:

“This is my story, my journey and my choice,”

“I love life, I just wish I could live it.”

"See you on the other side."

In October 2020, two-thirds of New Zealanders voted in a referendum to enact the End of Life Choice Act. However, it will still take around 12 months for the law to come into force in November 2021.

Euthanasia has been legal in New Zealand since and people can apply for it, the rules are very strict but those who meet the criteria can go in peace and dignity.

The applicant must be a New Zealander over 18 years of age. And the applicant must be suffering from a terminal illness that is expected to end her life within six months, be in an advanced state of irreversible physical deterioration, and experience unbearable suffering that cannot be alleviated in a way that the person considers tolerable and who is also able to make an informed and considered decision.

Reasons that cannot be used to request euthanasia include: — advanced age, suffering from a mental disorder or illness, or having a disability of any kind.

Euthanasia means that the drug can be administered by a doctor or nurse, or it can be self-administered. If a doctor or nurse suspects that a person is being pressured into euthanasia, no further action is allowed.


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