World Men's Day on November 3rd and International Men’s Day on the 19th of November

I wrote a number of articles about awareness, emotions, feelings. Even we talk about these aspects a little bit more - in our society, people are rarely taught how to express their feelings and so it can be very difficult to know where or how to start.

In fact, if you're like most men, and I am not only talking about these masculine men - we are still i a society where men will find it difficult to even notice how they are even feeling, like how their boss' mood can affect them, or how the stress of tight schedules can affect them. And when someone asks how they are doing, they're so disconnected from their own emotions that they fall back on the usual "I'm doing fine" making it harder for anyone to offer any support.

However, ignoring feelings will not make them go away. The more we ignore our feelings, the bigger they become. I have often seen men appear  sane, healthy, and calm before bursting out in a burst of anger or aggression when something bad happens. It is often precisely these men who become isolated and depressed because they tend to avoid and limit their social contact in order to avoid emotional vulnerability.

Today is the 3rd of November - World Men's Day

by the way there will be in about 2 weeks the International Men’s Day on the 19th of November - perhaps one day is not enough for men to remind men on the many different issues surrounding men's mental and physical health. 

Mental Health

When I am talking about mental health - and now I am talking mainly to men - You have to change the core beliefs you hold about male sensitivity in order to accept them. Only then you can integrate aspects of your sensitivity into your daily life. You can do this by changing your old habits of ignoring or hiding your sensitivity and choosing instead to slowly go through it and express it to yourself and your loved ones. Eventually, when you accept your sensitivity, you will live a life more intensively, a life that honors and uses all your strengths, the brave and sensitive sides, to live a life that you find fulfilling.

Physical Health

Many men choose to stay in the dark about their health out of fear of diagnosis, emotional discomfort being vulnerable, or invincibility complexes. 

What is the deal with men’s health? Sure I have to admit that I took much more care on my wife in the recent 15 years - but now its time to care for myself - and that it's what I like to tell you - dear dudes as well prevention and early detection can improve men's health. A man’s and woman's  health impacts their whole families.

Far fewer people know the facts about prostate and testicular cancer. Regarding prostate cancer, about one in seven men will be diagnosed during their lifetime. It most often affects men over the age of 65, and it is the second leading cause of cancer death in men. Although there is no proven way to do self-exams, a examination performed by a health care provider is a useful screening in the detection of prostate cancer. Or a early detection of a testicular cancer is super important - it is fortunately much less common than prostate cancer, as about one in 263 men will be diagnosed during their lifetime. Unlike prostate cancer, testicular cancer is a disease of young and middle-aged men, with about 7% of cases occurring in teens and young boys. Although the number of deaths from testicular cancer is far lower than breast or prostate cancer, it is highly recommended to make this checkup. - and once again - prevention and early detection can improve and will improve your health and life and the life of your family

And if you think you don't like to do it for you - Do it for your family!


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