Normal - Dare to be Different

I am a designer - I didn't had and do not have a conventional life or even less a traditional way of living - and more or less everyday and my whole life was and is a balancing act and is often like a tightrope walk - and I like it - and it is exactly how I want it.

I can only phrase it for my own:

I personally say that being normal is overrated.

And I call out to each other if normal is your way - go your way - but please accept that along your way or in your or somebody's orbit is someone or something which do not fit into your 'normal' world or expectation. 
Accept that there are individuals, different viewpoints - and every individual is different and unique, with their own personal strengths and weaknesses.
Accept that others dare to stand out and dare to be unique. 

I personally say that a normal would be boring.

What fun would life be if everyone would act the same and has the same interests?
Where would the growth come from if nobody dares to think differently?
Where would the innovation, the surprising things come from?

Frank Zappa once said:
Without deviation from the norm progress is not possible

I personally say as well - be aware that even people close to you might not be in the position / not able to deal with your disparity of behaving, thinking.

However, if you decide to walk your own path in life, and that happens to deviate from what’s considered normal practice, then be prepared to take some heat. Because not everyone is open-minded and open to behavior that differs from theirs or behavior which they consider normal.

Let's look over the rim of a tea cup - what is the definition of Normal?

We define something as normal when an individual’s behavior conforms to the most common behavior in a group or society. Or in other words - we define normality as a behavior that can be considered normal when it is more or less consistent with the most common behavior for a certain person and their 'safe space', cultural environment.

Synonyms  - The following words are all considered synonyms for the word normal:

  • Standard
  • Conventional
  • Usual
  • Ordinary
  • Expected
  • Accustomed
  • Habitual
... reading these synonyms I do have so many diverse images in my mind (you know I am a visual thinker) - and some of these images or positive some negative and even some of these 'synonyms of normal' are scary.

And now I like to share with you a great podium talk / discussion

What does it mean to be normal?

Attitudes towards ‘normality’ seem difficult to get a handle on today. On the one hand, campaigns to raise awareness say it is not ‘abnormal’ to experience depression and that such people ‘are not alone’ on the other hand, identity politics encourage people to celebrate difference, uniqueness and not being ‘normal’.
  • What are we to make of this shifting understanding of what it is to be normal?
  • Should we just accept that everything is unstable, that we can’t expect a single category of ‘normal’ to be helpful?
  • What should we make of attempts to reduce the shame or stigma of being ‘different’?
  • Should we celebrate being normal?


  1. You are welcome to leave a comment - I will read it, perhaps answer it - but I will not publish it - thx for your understanding


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