Finding the Courage to let go of What You Can't Change - Being a Stoic

Situations that are out of our control and / or cannot be changed - are challenging - but obstinately fighting or trying to change them most often all in all causes will only causes pain and frustration. As ... surprise they are out of our control and / or cannot be changed.
Letting go is not giving up - it is part of awareness and self-awareness - Letting go stands for gaining deeper understanding and acceptance of yourself - it is part of recognizing our own needs and values, and gaining insight into what really matters in life for you and as well for yours.
So when we have the courage to let go of the things that cannot be changed, we open a new door for ourselves to greater happiness and growth. We learned to accept it, focus on what we could control, and create a better future for yourself.

Patience you must have, my young Padawan,” says Yoda once to Luke Skywalker.

And I am pretty sure we all know the serenity prayer: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.

I can’t tell you when it began. But I can tell you when someone told me that I am a stoic - I haven't knew this before - and on the other hand I do not define myself by a 'name' or 'label' - I am who I am. There are different kinds how people understand, and define stoicisms - and as well how stoics would defined it and themselves. I can only tell you how I define my way of living - being a stoic ...

  • I am accepting the world, my environment, things which happens (mainly the things which happen without my influence) as the are.
  • I am learning always and every day to manage both my desire to seek and experience pleasure, and my desire to avoid discomfort. 
  • I am using my logic and reason to understand the world around me, objectively.
  • I am working together with the people around me, my community and act in a just and fair manner towards myself and others.
  • I am trying to be fully involved in whatever I do. Putting my thought into whatever minimal task I am doing this very moment. It helps me to center myself and keep negative and outrageous thoughts and scenarios from coming into my mind - it doesn't work all the time - but more and more - more often.

All this means - or I am working on it ..

  • I stopped trying to control everything.
  • Looking at the bigger picture.
  • Asking - Is any of this going to matter? 
  • Being kind to myself, to others and the world (and to be honest - it will not always work out - but it will be better day by day)
  • Accepting myself, accepting others, and accept that the only way we truly leave a footprint on this world is when we impact and change others’ lives for the better.

Stop beating yourself up. You can be your biggest critic or your biggest cheerleader. Always choose the cheerleader. There is so much more to life.

It’s easy to write these things down, and a heck of a lot harder to actually do any of them, but if we take the steps toward finding ourselves and surrendering to what we can’t change or control, I promise life will get a whole lot better.

Finding the courage to let go of what you can not change - is one of the happiest experience and moments in your life.

In this context:
Articles about serenity 
Stoicism and being a Stoic


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