Moonlight Poem

Watching the night, 
the moon is so bright
I don't care what I do
I am thinking of you

The Moon, will be my guide
In its blue, blue shadows, I will hide
All good people, asleep tonight
I'm all by myself, in the silver light

Lying in mother earth's arms
The primal root of a woman's charms
Tomorrow's rain will wash my footprints and marks away
But something in my memory and mind will always stay

I realize that nothing is and will be as it seems
and I am still here, moved by my dreams
My life is like a puzzle, a wandering maze
I'm sure I won't understand 'til the end of my days

There are experience on loss and emotions who won't die
There are experience on love where the ink will never dry
I've been searching long enough
I will continue watching the stars and the moon above 


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