Never too old to Learn Something, Take another Chance; Create another Goal; and Keep on Dreaming - You're never too YOUNG either ...

It is never to late to change someting in your life, to start something, to give something another chance, or to start learning, and you're never too young to aim high and achieve great things. Start a new career, fall in love, learn something or start a whole new life at 80. Look at this man, I tought that I am old as I started surfing at 47, he was 80 :-) meaning I would have even 33years more starting with riding the waves 🏄

Here is brief video about Seiichi Sano  0:49min (German)


Or check out the IOC, International Olympic Committee's website to read more about Seiichi Sano:

Stop saying that something is too late, you can't do something, give it a try!

You can, you should - you owe it to yourself to do something - you have to do it ...
Dreams don't have limits, reality might have it 😉
but it's up to you - to experience and find new worlds and future.

I already wrote about dreaming here on my blog. 
Anything is possible if you dare to dream. No matter how wild and out of reach your life goals may seem, follow them, work for them, and never give up on them, it is worth it.
Sure, you need courage or sometimes one or the other needs a lot of courage to build a happy life - but search inside yourself and if you really want it do it - give it a try - or more than a try. We often focus on the reasons not to do something, so we must train ourselves to focus on the positive.

If you need help finding the courage to follow your dreams, reach out for support - I tell you there are people around you who will help or just give you a friendly kick. Having an outsider can help you set clear goals and stay accountable to yourself. Once you have a plan, there’s no telling what you can accomplish.

Be happy - and enjoy YOUR life!


  1. comments are welcome - even I'll not publish comments - I read comments, and I'll reply if needed and possible.


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