Live Life to the Fullest

From time to time everyone questions life, and how they live their lives, ...
Are you feeling like your life is passing by and you’re not making the most of it?
Do you wonder if there is something more?
Have you asked yourself, “Is this really all there is to life?” Those are totally normal thoughts and part to get aware of yourself, of life and people around you.
But if you want to try to get the most out of your life, start to think about it - check out yourself,  how to live life to the fullest.

If you asked thousands people, you might get the same number / variety of different answers about what it means to live life to the fullest. For some, it might successful in business, it might involve traveling, it could mean raising a family, or inventing of something, and and and. Still others may be on a mission to solve some important social problem. What’s common among these definitions is that each one involves finding meaning or purpose in what one is doing or how one is spending their time—the life is one that is exciting or fulfilling for the individual.

Yesterday, an old Lady died in the age of 104, and she lived her life to the fullest.

Dorothy Hoffner gained international attention for her feat earlier this month, as millions viewed video of her descent and marveled at her sense of adventure, she died yesterday after she set the Guinness World Record for the oldest skydiver in history less than a week ago.

As I mentioned before, your definition of a full life might differ from the next person.
That being said, science suggests we can take some specific actions if we’re looking to live a more full, fulfilling, and meaningful life.
Below I name only 4 ideas / aspects that can help you start exploring potential ways to live your life to the fullest.

  • Fill up your life with things that make you happy
  • Fill your life with gratitude
  • Help others make their lives full by practicing kindness
  • Outline, write ...  a ‘live life to the fullest’ moodboard, essay, ... akind of personal mission statement - Design Thinking might help hear


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