Loss is nothing else but change, and change is Nature’s delight. (Marcus Aurelius)

Picture of a stormy landscape and with the quote of Marcus Aurelius “Loss is nothing else but change, and change is Nature’s delight.”
Life is challenging - if it would not be challenging - I firmly believe life would be boring.

I have and everyone has power over my / their mind (in most cases - and if not it's OK as well) ... but I do not and nobody has this power regarding outside events. Realise this, and you will find serenity, patience, and resilience - at least I believe so.

Behaviours, beliefs, values, biases and perceptions of other people are outside the reach of our control, and as such they are things that we need to learn to accept. My understanding and learning of life is that we can’t escape these things, we can’t escape contact with people we disagree with, we can’t escape people we find rude or abrasive, all we can do is learn to accept them so that they lessen the impact on our peace of mind, while at the same time working on developing ourselves to act in a way that aligns with who we want to be.

These thoughts came to my mind while I have to deal once again with lost, suizid events next to me and these challenging times we currently living in. Who is reading my blog for a while knows I am a stoic - so let me quote Marcus Aurelius, who once said:

Loss is nothing else but change, and change is Nature’s delight.

For me I would continue this sentence with the words - that we should embrace the ebb and flow of life.

In itself, I would say, and even it might sound a little bit confusing, loss is not good or bad, our perception of it determines its goodness or badness, and the suffering we experience is merely our inability to accept change and face it’s challenges. And even inability is Ok - for a while.
Change is nature’s delight, explains that the change is stitched into the fabric of existence, we cannot experience without change, our world would not exist without it. It is the nature of the universe, whoever we are, wherever we live, our life will walk hand in hand with change.

Articles about Stoicism

Articles about Challenging times


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