Cancer Patients’ Parents make case for Medical Aid in Dying - MAID

Screenshot of Video below Cancer patients’ parents make case for medical aid in dying | Cuomo
Ayla Eilert, a 24-year-old dancer from New York, died after suffering from an aggressive form of cancer that began with a sore on her tongue.
Despite initially misdiagnosed, a biopsy revealed she had squamous cell carcinoma. Though not typically life-threatening, the cancer's location on her tongue made it more serious. Ayla underwent an 11-hour operation to remove a portion of her tongue and had subsequent chemotherapy and radiotherapy treatments.

However, her health rapidly deteriorated, with cancer spreading to 13 areas of her body. In immense pain and weighing just 87 pounds.

Ayla wished to end her life through Medical Aid in Dying (MAID), which is currently illegal in New York. Now, her parents are campaigning for its legalization.

Despite these challenges, Ayla exhibited resilience and positivity, taking steps such as learning American Sign Language and creating gift bags for other patients. However, by the middle of January 2022, her health worsened rapidly and her pain became unbearable.

Ayla's parents noticed her decline and requested their medical team to reschedule the planned scan from mid-March, fearing she was deteriorating. Their fears were confirmed when scans revealed cancer spreading in 13 areas of her body, including her spine, neck, nose, and ears. At this point, Ayla weighed only 87 pounds and was frequently experiencing agonizing pain.

By March 3, Ayla requested her parents for assistance to end her life, sparking the family's consideration of medical aid in dying (MAID). In an interview, Ayla's mother, Amy, explained how her daughter had pleaded for medical aid in dying, explaining,
"This is not quality of life and I'm not afraid to die. I just don't want to be in any more pain."

Let us keep in mind , heart and soul the word of Daren Eilert, Ayla's father:
“Let’s be compassionate. Let’s start to think about what happens when the medical community can’t resolve pain,” 

Read more:

Take Action:
Death with Dignity in the USA


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