Find YOUR luck and happiness

In contrast to animals, we as human beings can be and do many things in our lives and have many great options to choose from in order to find luck and happiness. 

If we make decisions here and there that we doubt afterwards, that we would not make the same way with more knowledge and experience at a later point in time - that is no reason to grieve.

Life is an open-ended experiment. In fact, it would be a shame if we didn't design our personal experiment ourselves, not only "just let it happen".

We are experiencing extremely challenging times and I can no longer count the additional challenges I face in the recent years.

Especially in these challenging times, the question of what makes us happy is more important than ever.

In my opinion, human life is about much more than just living without fear or fulfilling an 'achievement' or, in the worst case, just existing.

At least I think that people want to find themselves - and everyone wants to live in a good partnership and community - and also be able to achieve personal or professional goals and fulfillment and be able to enjoy them.

And this is about - finding ways or at least being open to go or try new ways.

Especially in challenging times, which are accompanied by negative events and dark hours of uncertainty, it will be good for you to reflect on your own strengths and self-care, self-awareness and mindfulness.

Very few people, as far as I know only every tenth person, describe themselves as happy - isn't that sad?

So many people suffer from anxiety or depression, thousands from psychosomatic symptoms. We sleep badly, are stressed, we are plagued by relationship worries and fears for the future.

In English there is the term "flourishing" - a term for which we do not have a good translation for in German. Not only plants do this, people can bloom too. 

And blossomed, we and our environment are doing so much better.

Maybe after this period of challenges, but also stagnation, some will take the opportunity to focus on their own desires, relationships, health and priorities.

A few positive approaches which I like to suggest:

The quality of our family live and relation, partnership and professional cooperation has a significant influence on our well-being. In any case, I see aspects such as feelings of security, trust, honesty and support. I am deeply convinced that a partnership and love relationships are more likely to succeed when positive moments as well as negative ones are shared - and for sure the positive ones must of course outweigh the negative ones. And that we communicate with each other.

Active listening is a success factor - that means perceiving the other with all your senses and with empathy and not just waiting until he or she is finished and we can talk.

And as far as the negative moments are concerned - never get personal in the argument, don't stonewall, always don't blame the other - in my opinion, these kind of behaviors would be the destroyer of your relation and would lead to a  break up of your relationship pretty quickly. 

As mentioned above, remember your feelings, feelings of security, trust, honesty and support even during arguments and on negative days

Give meaning and sense to life

You can read in so many books and documents and talks and I have experienced myself that faith and a certain amount of spirituality has a positive influence on life. 

What kind of spirituality or faith doesn't matter in the end - from my point of view -  what I believe is that spirituality or faith is good and offers orientation.

Beyond religions, it is also important for people to explore their values.

I would define exploring your purpose in life as a mix of what you are good at, what makes you happy, and what makes sense for you and others.

A good start would be for instance to ask yourself: What do I love? What am I good at? What does the world need from me or what can I give it and my environment?

Take a few minutes to reflect on your thoughts and feelings, and write down the responses. And soon you might be heading for new shores.

Gratitude and Thankfulness

If we direct our thoughts and actions towards positive things, we automatically create an upward spiral – the more positive things we see, the more successful we become. Check out this article about gratefulness and thankfulness.

It also works well when we refer to our strengths instead of seeing our weaknesses. Positive psychology assumes that every person has virtues such as creativity, courage or perseverance, but in different ways. If we express our own core strengths more often in everyday life and at work, we are happier overall. What are your strengths?

And now I wish you - find yourself, find your happiness!
Where you find your love, there you will find meaning of life and fulfillment.


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