Autonomy how to live and how to die
I believe in death with dignity. It has different labels and definitions … assisted dying assisted suicide voluntary euthanasia … but ultimately it’s about dying with dignity and in peace. Death with dignity must be a human right: to retain autonomy until the very end and, before one’s body is overtaken by pain, if the quality of one’s life is or will became unbearable, to decide to end one‘s suffering; the dignity comes from exercising the choice. No matter how old, how young, how rich or poor, how sick or healthy - whoever is tired of life has the right commit suicide and to get help with suicide. The German Constitutional Court took a clear stand on assisted suicide in February 2020. For me, this topic is about autonomy, individuality, self-determination and own and unique perspective on life and what comes after, as well as when and how it should happen. The decision to commit suicide affects fundamental questions of human existence and like no other decision affects ...