International Children's Day 2024 - 1st of June
International Children's Day is a day focused on advocating for the rights, education, and welfare of the children across the globe. Celebrated every first of June, it emphasizes the importance of securing a good future for the children who are considered to be the world's hope. The day is important as it highlights the issues related to child labor, violence against children, exploitation, and the need for proper education and health facilities. It highlights the urgent actions needed to protect children and ensure their rights are protected and upheld. It also celebrates children and their contribution to the betterment of society. The day was first declared by the World Conference for the Well-being of Children in 1925. It encourages people, organizations, and governments all over the world to pay special attention to the issues affecting children, take action to alleviate their suffering, and focus on the importance of developing children's welfare. Children Rights This...