5 Pillars of Happiness

Experiencing and enjoying happiness is and will be an ongoing path we can find and go. I am sure everyone wants to have a meaningful and joyful life, cultivating certain behaviors can help, including meaning, authenticity, optimism, gratitude, compassion, and generosity.

Based on what I learned in my life, struggled now and then in my life, for sure was challenged by near-death experiences, floodwaters, house fire, and the death of my wife - I became a firm believer that a large determinant of happiness is personality. The individual differences how people respond to events and also to other people have an impact on the levels of a person’s happiness.

5 Pillars of Happiness

  1. One influencer on happiness I like to mention upfront is one I do not have - but I learned that for many people it is an important of the important aspect - religion - it can be a powerful source of happiness. While not true universally, religion has been associated with greater happiness. Positive effects have been found with taking part in religious services.
    Having a strong religious affiliation has also been shown to be of benefit. Engaging in prayer, and having a relationship with God is also related to greater happiness.
  2. Enjoy the little things, little moments, and accidental events and coming togethers. Happiness can, in fact, be predicted by where our minds wander to when we’re not focused on the present. By appreciating the simple things in life, we foster positive emotions - from admiring a beautiful flower to enjoying a cup of tea, finding joy in the little things is associated with increased happiness.
  3. Relationships are so important. Above and beyond finances, intelligence, or hometown, relationships are a crucial determinant of happiness. Deep connections with yourself, family, friends, and colleagues fulfill a basic human need for belonging. Creating, fostering, and maintaining those connections is therefore a central component of finding happiness.
  4. Do what you’re most passionate about. What is an activity when you are totally engaged, when you get into a 'flow', when you forget time and space - using your strengths, your power, your passion - you find your pathway to happiness. Being completely engaged in an activity is termed ‘flow’ and joy and happiness appears on the fly.
  5. Blessing and be thankful. Gratitude is known to increase happiness. Gratitude has been defined as having an appreciation for what we have, and being able to reflect on that. Gratitude creates positive emotions, enhances relationships and is associated with better health.
    Examples of ways to engage in gratitude include writing a gratitude journal, or express appreciation – such as, send a ‘thank you’ card to someone.

Related former article you might be interested in

Find YOUR luck and happiness - Life is an open-ended experiment. In fact, it would be a shame if we didn't design our personal experiment ourselves, not only "just let it happen".

Dreams can come true - But you have to dream - Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway. The key to realizing a dream is to focus not on success but significance – and then even the small steps and little victories along your path will take on greater meaning.

Self-Esteem - Confidence, Self-Awareness, Trust and Acceptance of Oneself - The feeling of self-worth / the way you judge yourself, is built on / growing on your roots

And more article around happiness 

And finally, when I think about happiness I love to dance and listing to good music which push my good mood, like Pharrell Williams' Happy


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