
Showing posts from October, 2023

Trauer nach einem Suizid

In Deutschland kommt Suizid etwa dreimal so häufig vor wie ein Verkehrsunfall mit Todesfolge. Die Zahl der Suizide in Deutschland ( Statista ) bewegen sich dabei in den letzten zehn Jahren auf einem relativ konstanten absteigenden Niveau bei über 10.000 zu aktuell in 2021 bei 9.215. Die Zahlen der Suizide seit Beginn dem Achtzigerjahre die bei bis zu 18825 Suiziden lagen haben sich mehr als halbiert. Der Rückgang der Zahlen haben eine Reihe von Gründen, Ursachen und gründen auf verschiedenen Suizidprävention-Maßnahmen und -Angeboten - wie effektivere Vorsorgemaßnahmen, eine verbesserte Aufklärung und eine gewachsene Sensibilität in der Gesellschaft und Medien.  Um Menschen Hinweise und Tipps für das Gespräch mit einer suizidgefährdeten Person zu geben habe ich zum  Welt-Suizid-Präventionstag 2023 am 10. September 2023 einige Empfehlungen zusammen gefasst die helfe, die richtigen Worte zu finden um ein Gespräch zu führen. Der Begriff Suizid oder auch Selbstmord, Selbsttöt...

Loss is nothing else but change, and change is Nature’s delight. (Marcus Aurelius)

Life is challenging - if it would not be challenging - I firmly believe life would be boring. I have and everyone has power over my / their mind (in most cases - and if not it's OK as well) ... but I do not and nobody has this power regarding outside events. Realise this, and you will find serenity, patience, and resilience - at least I believe so. Behaviours, beliefs, values, biases and perceptions of other people are outside the reach of our control, and as such they are things that we need to learn to accept. My understanding and learning of life is that we can’t escape these things, we can’t escape contact with people we disagree with, we can’t escape people we find rude or abrasive, all we can do is learn to accept them so that they lessen the impact on our peace of mind, while at the same time working on developing ourselves to act in a way that aligns with who we want to be. These thoughts came to my mind while I have to deal once again with lost, suizid events next to me an...

World Restart a Heart Day - 2023

World Restart a Heart Day, which takes place annually on October 16th, aims to raise global awareness of the importance of out-of-hospital cardiac arrests. The aim is to train as many people as possible worldwide in resuscitation measures. 1. CHECK Make sure it is safe to approach: Check for any response from the victim Tilt the head back, lift the chin and check breathing, heart rate and pulse If breathing is absent or not normal, no pulse  mouth-to-mouth and nose ventilation and CPR is needed 2. CALL Call 112 and follow their instructions. If someone is there to help, ask them to call 112 for you,and let them fetch an AED Cardiac compressions are most important for survival. Do not delay or interrupt cardiac compressions 3. COMPRESS Place both hands in the centre of the chest Compress the chest 5 to 6 cm 100-120 times / min to the rhythm of “Stayin´Alive” If you learned how to do it, provide 2 rescue breaths between every 30 compressions, otherwise pump the chest continuously Pus...

Sharon and Ozzy Osbourne are reaffirming their pact of helping each other in case of dying in dignity.

Sharon Osbourne and her husband Ozzy Osbourne talked once again about their plan to pass away by Medical aid in dying (MAID), if their physical and mental health takes a severe decline. MAID is an option to pass away in dignity - an option which offers the alternative get help from a physician, providing a competent adult with a terminal illness with a prescription for a lethal dose of a drug at the request of the patient, which the patient intends to use to end his or her life., if their physical and mental health takes a severe decline. Sharon’s strong view on having an assisted death is largely influenced by watching her father suffering for so long from Alzheimer’s disease before his death in 2007. Then, in 2014, Ozzy Osbourne spoke of his desire to die by medically assisted suicide in the case of any “life-threatening condition.” “ If I can’t live my life the way I’m living it now – and I don’t mean financially – then that’s it...[Switzerland], ” Ozzy mentioned. “ If I ca...

Sharon Osbourne und Ozzy Osbourne sprechen mit Ihren Kindern über Sterben in Würde

Sharon Osbourne die Ehefrau von Ozzy Osbourne hat in einer Talkshow, in der  neuesten Folge des The Osbournes Podcasts , einen gemeinsame Vereinbarung zur Sterbehilfe haben. In dem Podcast kam es zu dem Thema, als zunächst über die Memoiren „Survivor: My Story – The Next Chapter“ gesprochen wurde, in denen gesagt wird, dass das Osbourne-Ehepaar in die Schweiz für ärztlich unterstützten Freitod, zu Dignitas, gehen würden, sollte einer von ihnen unter Demenz leiden.  Es kam zu dem Thema als der Sohn Jack es ansprach ob Sterbehilfe „immer noch ein Plan“ für seine Eltern sei. Shahon, seine Mutter antwortete lachen „ Glaubst du, dass wir leiden werden? “ bevor Jack nachfragte: „ Leiden wir nicht schon alle? “. Darauf folgen einige sehr nachvollziehbare Gedanken und ehrliche Aussagen von Sharon Osbourne  „ Ja, das tun wir alle, aber ich möchte nicht, dass es auch wirklich wehtut “ „ Geistiges Leiden ist schon genug Schmerz ohne körperliches. Wenn Sie also geistiges und körperli...

World Hospice and Palliative Care Day – October 14, 2023

Death and dying are challenging subjects for many people - often a taboo in our society. Many people suppress the thought of the end of life and especially of their life. Old or chronically ill people who are tormented by fear of pain, dependence and helplessness often feel just as alone as relatives of dying people. This is where the hospice and palliative care movement comes into play. Their basic idea: Every person should be able to die safely, accompanied by understanding human care and as painlessly as possible - and that means with dignity. One thing we know for sure: we will die. And yet many people are completely unprepared for the news that this final phase of their life has begun. Others thinking, considering, balancing long and intensively with death – their own and that of their nearest and dearest. But they too are often afraid - not just of pain, but of losing control over their own bodies and over their own lives. Before being at the mercy. Some people are so afraid of e...

Live Life to the Fullest

From time to time everyone questions life, and how they live their lives, ... Are you feeling like your life is passing by and you’re not making the most of it? Do you wonder if there is something more? Have you asked yourself, “Is this really all there is to life?” Those are totally normal thoughts and part to get aware of yourself, of life and people around you. But if you want to try to get the most out of your life, start to think about it - check out yourself,  how to live life to the fullest. If you asked thousands people, you might get the same number / variety of different answers about what it means to live life to the fullest. For some, it might successful in business, it might involve traveling, it could mean raising a family, or inventing of something, and and and. Still others may be on a mission to solve some important social problem. What’s common among these definitions is that each one involves finding meaning or purpose in what one is doing or how one is spending ...

World Mental Health Day, 10 October 2023

World Mental Health Day 2023 is an opportunity for people and communities to unite behind the theme ‘Mental health is a universal human right” to improve knowledge, raise awareness and drive actions that promote and protect everyone’s mental health as a universal human right. This more than ever important when we see all the wars we have to see in Ukraine and Israel. Mental health is a basic human right for all people. Everyone, whoever and wherever they are, has a right to the highest attainable standard of mental health. This includes the right to be protected from mental health risks, the right to available, accessible, acceptable, and good quality care, and the right to liberty, independence and inclusion in the community. Good mental health is vital to our overall health and well-being. Yet one in eight people globally are living with mental health conditions, which can impact their physical health, their well-being, how they connect with others, and their livelihoods. Mental he...

The Death of Parents - Feelings and Dealing with Grief

We all know that our parents will die at some point down the line. For many people it is a shocking event. The death of a parent is a shocking, overwhelming experience at any age. Deep within every human being, the child rests throughout life - knowing there is a mother or father to find help, protection and security. When these the parents, are no longer there, this option suddenly no longer exists. When one of the parents dies, childhood is finally and irrevocably over, or one believes that being a child is/would be over. Suddenly some people think they are no one's child anymore. There would no longer be anyone to perceive/look at them with the familiar eyes of a mother or father. The way our parents spoke to us, no one will ever speak to us again. The path of dealing with grief is individual and always different. The path of grieving is as individual as the relationship was between children and parents during their lifetime. Was the relationship good, close, emotional, ... were...

Der Tod der Eltern – Gefühle & Umgang mit der Trauer

Wir alle wissen, dass unsere Eltern irgendwann sterben - da zum Leben die Geburt und das Sterben gehört. Für sehr viele Menschen ist es ein schockierendes Ereignis. Der Tod eines Elternteils ist in jedem Alter eine einschneidende, überwältigende Erfahrung. Tief im Inneren eines jeden Menschen ruht das ganze Leben lang das Kind, das sich an die Mutter oder den Vater wenden kann, um Hilfe, Schutz und Geborgenheit zu finden. Wenn diese Menschen, die Eltern nicht mehr da sind, gibt es diese Möglichkeit nicht mehr. Wenn die Eltern, ein Elternteil stirbt, ist die Kindheit endgültig und unwiderruflich vorbei, oder man glaubt 'Kind sein' ist / wäre vorbei. Plötzlich denken einige Menschen man wäre niemandes Kind mehr. Es gäbe niemanden mehr, der einen mit den vertrauten Augen einer Mutter oder eines Vaters wahrnimmt / ansieht. So wie die Eltern mit uns gesprochen haben, wird nie wieder jemand mit uns sprechen. Welche Wege des Umgangs und der Trauer Menschen gehen werden, die ihre Elter...

Make Life more Meaningful - Thinking about the Future

Steve Biko phrased the statement: "A people without a positive history is like a vehicle without an engine." (Bantu Stephen Biko was a South African anti-apartheid activist.) - I like the quote, maybe because I am a motorbike-cyclist, I am fascinated about engines, vehicles ...  However or in whatever way you want to look at it we have to understand every history in three parts which go hand in hand and overlapping each other - the past, present, and future. I firmly believe really seeing this, understanding this, and making use of them is important - but nobody is what happened to them, we all should be what we choose to become. Mindfulness is all the rage these days, and for good reason. Focusing on the moment can improve our well-being, foster compassion, and help our relationships. (Former Article about  Mindfulness ) What about learning from the past? What about going beyond the present moment?  Sure, thinking about the future can trigger anxiety - but a growing...

An Alternative to Positive Thinking - Principles to Build Self-Confidence by Stoic Thinking

Thoughts that are "positive" are not a good way to approach life, in spite of common sense and self-help advice. Friends advise you to "hold out hope." Gurus of self-improvement advocate for "the law of attraction." My heart and soul are filled with 'Aye' and 'Nae'. Because thinking like this only breeds disappointment, despair, and anxiety. (Why, in your opinion, do most people lack productivity and low self-esteem?) Instead, I developed a life strategy that is actually much more effective for me: I began practicing stoicism without realizing it was that. This article will outline / list five essential Stoic concepts which helped me and I hope that they will help you "upgrade" your thinking and gain confidence in your ability to accomplish ´'challenges of life'. Develop mind power All humans possess the ability to think, feel, and use their minds. Thoughts give us opinions about other people, things, and ourselves. These ...

Mehrheit befinden Sterbehilfe als gut! Sorgen, Ängste, Emotionen und Empathie

Die Mehrheit der Deutschen befinden Sterbehilfe für gut, verständlich und unterstützendwert sowie, dass Ärzte straffrei bleiben müssen, wenn sie Schwerstkranke und Menschen die dauerhaft, unumstößlich und wohlerwogen einen Freitod entschieden haben, beim Sterben unterstützen. Das geht aus jeder repräsentativen  Umfrage  hervor. Das Bundesverfassungsgericht hat im Februar 2020 die Regelung und das prinzipielle Verbot der Sterbehilfe welches im §217 StGB von 2015 bis 2020 bestand, gekippt. Das allgemeine Persönlichkeitsrecht, welches unser Grundgesetz im Art. 2 beschreibt, umfasst ein Recht auf selbstbestimmtes Sterben so die eindeutige Entscheidung des Bundesverfassungsgericht . Dieses Recht schließt die Freiheit ein, das eigene Leben zu einem selbstbestimmten Ende zu führen und hierbei auf die freiwillige Hilfe Dritter, sein es Ärzte, oder andere Helfer wie Familienangehörige oder Freunde zurückzugreifen.  Zitatsammlung ... " Mein Leben gehört mir. Und ich bestimme,...