
Showing posts from December, 2023

New Year's Eve 2023 thougths

Saying good-bye and letting go of what was, transforming to what lies ahead. In 2023, a lot happened. I can't even begin to describe how much it means in words. Many of us experienced growth, change, ... you name it - so many changed that only a few years ago we could not have imagined. In your struggle, nobody is alone. You're not the only one who worries about what might happen next. And more and more, we all become aware of the little and significant shifts in who we are, how we perceive the world and reality, and how our awareness has changed.  Our drive to achieve goals is influenced by our level of confidence, which is why I wrote an article a few days ago. Having a confident base is essential while trying to modify our unhealthy habits or adopt new, healthier ones. Confidence plays a role in our motivation to pursue goals and so when we address how to change our existing undesirable behavior (e.g., excess eating, drinking, vaping, spending), or want to pursue new healthy...

Reflecting on Principles and Values

Identifying and understanding your values might be or most often  is a challenging and important exercise. Your personal values form a significant aspect of who you are, and who you aspire to be. By being more aware of these significant elements in your life, you can use them to make the most suitable decision in any situation. Some of life's decisions revolve around identifying what you value the most. When multiple options seem plausible, it is comforting and beneficial to rely on your principles as a strong guiding force to steer you in the right direction. What is the significance of holding values? Your values are the beliefs and ethics you deem significant in influencing the course of your lifestyle and work. These principles should ideally govern your priorities and guide your choices as well as your behaviour towards others. When your actions align with your principles, life seems rewarding. Why are personal values crucial? Recognizing your values could signi...

Building or Working on YOUR Confidence - e.g. by Role Models

My thoughts at the end of the year. We are living in a time of huge changes. Now another year is ending. and 2024 will start soon. I can, You can, we can start a new year with confidence by simply being open to ALL that can occur, change and shift in the upcoming 365 days. We know that things can change in one day, so don’t let the idea of what you didn’t accomplish or didn’t finish stop you from knowing that it can and will still get done. We all could use a few ways to start a new year with confidence. You can be confident in a new year no matter how things ended on December 31 What is confidence?  Well - In its simplest form, confidence is the feeling of trust in something. When we’re talking about confidence we have to have self-confidence in mind and soul as well, it is the belief that you can trust in yourself and your abilities or knowledge. Confidence impacts physical and mental health. Confidence is a trait that can help us face life’s experiences head-on.  Start buil...

Länderübergreifender Vergleich zur Qualität von Tod und Sterben 2021

Ich habe mich in den vergangen Jahren nun schon sehr oft mit den verschiedensten Formen der Sorge und Pflege von Menschen am Ende deren Leben auseinandergesetzt - von der ... ... Medizinischer und ethischer Umgang mit Sterbenden und Sterbewilligen ( link ) ... Sterbebegleitung - Lebensende-Begleitung ( Link ) ... Sterbefasten ( Link ) und das Niemand Palliativmedizin, Hospiz und Sterbehilfe nicht gegeneinander ausspielen darf ( Link ) Nun habe ich eine doch recht interessante Studie gefunden die es lohnt sich anzusehen. Solche Studien und  Interessenvertretung und Forschung zur Verbesserung der Sterbebegleitung sind wichtig. Quelle des Bild / Grafik: Für mich ist die Rangfolge auf Länderebene weniger wichtig als der starke Unterschied in den Ergebnissen für Länder mit höherem Einkommen im Vergleich zu anderen. Fünf der sechs besten Länder, die die Note A erhielten, waren Länder mit hohem Einkommen. Im anderen ...

A Story of Friendship, Kindness and Emotions - and Will to Live - “David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived”

This morning I came across of an incredibly emotional documentary - which paints a moving portrait of Daniel Radcliffe’s double David Holmes – and the accident that left him paralysed. It’s a story of friendship, kindness and emotions - and will to live. In a story - many people would call it a tragic story - I wouldn't - in a film, in a documentary “David Holmes: The Boy Who Lived” the story of David Holmes is told - a story that is, above all, hopeful and inspiring - as I see and understand it. This documentary and film not only shows how passionately Holmes fulfilled his dream of being a stuntman at a young age, but also shows the strength with which he continues his life after the premature end of this dream and inspires others. Holmes, now 40, was Daniel Radcliffe’s stunt double on the Harry Potter movies until he broke his neck during the filming of "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1". But the film is also about friendship - Radcliffe’s and Holmes’s friend...

Living with Dignity & Caring for One Another - Human Experience

Nothing is more significant than having compassion of another person. not a job, not money, not knowledge, and most definitely not prestige. If we want to live with dignity, we need to care for one another, listening to one another, and showing or better having understanding. I think it is important to respect people's freedom - even when they choose to terminate their lives. I do not want, so many people won't to die of a severe illness while extremely high on medications and unable to move or speak. My Experiences I have witnessed people dying this way - ending ones life by high on morphine, which does not imply a short passing of hours but rather days, weeks, or months in which the person is immobile and unable to speak. If you believe that some individuals do not suffer from this approach, you are mistaken. Medicine focuses mostly on treating medical conditions, less on psychological issues (as physicians most often only see these aspects and see at their only responsibilit...

Christmas Thoughts for 2023 if you are mourning, feeling bad or sad, or alone

Yes, it is cold out there. But as much as we like to moan about the weather, about the icy winds and sunless skies, the winter brings a moment of calmness to the world. It's as if nature itself is telling us to slow down; to take a step back from our fast-paced lives and adopt a more laid-back approach. So, let's wrap up warm and embrace the cold season. It's the perfect time to reflect; to spend quality time with loved ones. And, to appreciate the simple joys in life. And for many of us, as the nights grow longer, so does the time spent with friends and family. We’re more inclined to reach out and make plans, dust off the board games, and rewatch our favorite holiday movies, like 'Home Alone', or 'Gremlins' - or my favorites are 'Die Hard' and 'Little Lord Fauntleroy'. I already share a few thoughts if you are mourning, feeling bad or sad, or alone.  May the coming year be better than this one. Wishing you joy and good cheer throughout the h...

Poetry comes from The Heart and Soul

In my other blog , I write extensively about AI, KI, ChatGPT, and other such topics. I have greatly enjoyed (and I still do it) my roles as an architect, designer, craftsman, paramedic, and more, mostly because they are all about serving people. Even though my work is often abstract and doesn't directly connect with emotional or spiritual aspects, I believe that everything I do is heartfelt and it's meant to touch another heart. Whether it's through creating human-centered designs or architecture, or by providing mental, psychological, and physical support, my aim is to make people feel good. In the end, I've noticed that poems, often written by empathetic people, are a wonderful way of communicating messages from one soul to another. And closing my introductory words - yes KI and ChatGPT etc. can write poems - but they do not come from heart and soul. People like Sarah Kay ... Sarah Kay, performing "‘B’ If I Should Have a Daughter" In 2011, at a TED Conferenc...

Podcast von Petra Schwarz mit Dr. Thomas Schindler über Leben, Sterben und Tod

Ein sehr emphatischen und fachkundiges Gespräch zur Sterbehilfe im Rahmen des Podcast Reihe Schwarz hören: Petra Schwarz im Gespräch mit Dr. Thomas Schindler über Leben und Tod - Episode Nr. 95 der Podcast Reihe "Schwarz hören". Dr. Thomas Schindler geht auf die herumgeisternde Aussage ein "es gäbe eine Grauzone", er sagte leicht verständlich aus, dass die "Grundbedingung lupenrein" sind. Dass es diese nicht gibt kann man in dem Podcast und bei mir hier nachlesen - Keine Grauzone Dr. Thomas Schindler weist, wie ich schon so oft, auf die großen und wesentliche Schwächen der beiden Gesetzentwürfen, dass der eine Entwurf der von Lars Castellucci, Ansgar Heveling, Dr. Kirsten Kappert-Gonther  und weiteren Abgeordneten weit über die Notwendigkeiten hinausgeht und überaus restriktive war. Ebenso der zweite Entwurf kritisiert Dr. Thomas Schindler wie ich es tat, mit sehr nachvollziehbaren Erläuterungen. Dr. Thomas Schindler weist, ebenso wie ich schon mehrfach ...

Breast Cancer Awareness for Women and Men

Breast cancer awareness is a key component of early detection efforts. It is essential that women know the most common symptoms associated with breast cancer, such as lumps and thickenings, and understand that prompt evaluation and early detection improves outcome. While breast cancer is typically associated with women, it's important to remind men that they too can be affected by this disease. And I speak from personal experience. It's a fact that one out of every 100 breast cancer cases is diagnosed in a man. It's crucial to understand your family's history of breast cancer because inherited gene mutations that increase the risk can be passed down from both parents. Male breast cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the breast. Breast cancer may occur in men at any age, but it usually occurs in men between 60 and 70 years of age. Keep it on your  mind even, as already mentioned M ale breast cancer makes up less than 1% of all case...

Alleinsein und Einsamkeit - Mit Selbstvertrauen gegen Einsamkeit vorgehen

Mich erreichen so viel Zuschriften, die sich immer wieder um Alleinsein und Einsamkeit drehen.   Alleinsein und Einsamkeit sind zwei Begriffe, die oft miteinander vermischt werden, obwohl sie unterschiedliche Bedeutungen haben. Alleinsein Allein zu sein, klingt für viele Menschen nicht zu gut, und gilt für viele Menschen als nicht erstrebenswert. Wer sich jedoch ab und zu bewusst für das Alleinsein entscheidet, kann daraus neue Energie schöpfen und einen neuen Blick auf sich selbst gewinnen. Alleinsein heißt zunächst nur die Abwesenheit von anderen Menschen. Das ist weder positiv noch negativ zu verstehen. Das Alleinsein bezieht sich somit auf den objektiven Zustand, in dem man sich befindet. Man kann beispielsweise alleine im Office arbeiten, alleine etwas unternehmen, alleine spazieren gehen (etwas was ich überaus genieße, da ich durch das alleine sein, noch viel mehr mich mit der Natur verbunden fühle und damit entsprechend nicht alleine bin, ... es gibt so vieles zu tun oh...

"The Little Prince": Philosophy for Adults - "On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux."

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry's heroes were characterized by a universal humanism; they often seemed to move in an intermediary world between dream and reality.  This is especially evident in the author's most famous work, the fable: "The Little Prince" - which was published 1943 - 80 years ago - in the USA  (1945 in France and 1950 in Germany) perhaps it might be a gift to you and yours on Christmas. Why should one read The Little Prince? This narrative prompts friendship and humanity, a modern fable that ventures beyond the Earth into the realm of stars and planets. It is thought-provoking and offers food for thought, allowing the many phrases to be interpreted in various ways, which makes the story so versatile, manifold - you name it when you know it or once you read it. What is the message of The Little Prince? The central message is just as significant today as it was upon its publication in 1943 ...  "What is essential is invisible to the eye; one sees clearly ...

Spending the Holidays Alone - A few Hints and Thoughts

If you're planning or about to spend the holidays alone, here are some suggestions on how to avoid feeling lonely. By the way as one of my main focus of my blog is around grieving - I might have a look at the article I wrote beginning of December " Managing Bereavement during the Holidays " The holiday season is usually full of happiness, love, and people coming together, but this is not the case for everyone. Whether you're alone choice or due to circumstances such as being geographically or emotionally distanced from family and friends, there are ways to cope with being alone during the holidays. Feeling lonely, sad or uninspired is normal, particularly if this situation is new for you or if you're dealing with loss. However, it might be beneficial to find ways to lighten your mood and make the holidays easier to get through. Adjust your expectations Television, movies, and social media often portray a perfect holiday season, which can make you feel like you...

10. Dezember ist Internationaler Tag der Menschenrechte - Wahlfreiheit und Selbstbestimmung bezüglich des eigenen Lebensende

Heute, am 10. Dezember, wird weltweit der Internationale Tag der Menschenrechte begangen. Dabei geht es um wesentliche Rechte wie die Wahlfreiheit und die Selbstbestimmung über unser eigenes Lebensende, die in vielen Regionen der Welt fern von jeglicher gesetzlichen Anerkennung sind. In Deutschland ist dieses Recht seit Jahrzehnten verwurzelt und wurde vom Bundesverfassungsgericht im Februar 2020 nachdrücklich bekräftigt. Es ist das "ultimative Menschenrecht", das Kernstück unserer Würde im Sterben und Leben. Jeder Mensch sollte das Recht haben, seinen Tod im Voraus zu planen, insbesondere wenn die Gefahr besteht, die eigene Entscheidungsfähigkeit zu verlieren. Stellen Sie sich vor, Sie leiden an Alzheimer und können Ihre Liebsten nicht mehr erkennen. Sie sollten die Möglichkeit haben zu sagen: "Wenn ich meine Frau oder meine Kinder nicht mehr erkenne, möchte ich, dass ein Arzt meinen Tod ermöglicht." Dieser Wunsch ist seit vielen Jahren ein fester Bestandteil meine...

International Human Rights Day - December 10th 2023

Today, December 10th, is International Human Rights Day. Freedom of choice and self-determination regarding one's own life ending are far from being established law in many places. In Germany, this right has existed for many decades and was reaffirmed by the Federal Constitutional Court in February 2020. It is arguably the 'ultimate and last human right' and an essential prerequisite for dignified dying and living. People should also be able to arrange their death in advance, should they lose their decision-making capacity - for example, someone suffering from Alzheimer's should be able to say: "If I can no longer recognize my wife or my children, I would like a doctor to facilitate my death" I have been carrying this thought in my anticipatory care and patient decree for many years - whether it will take place as I hope, I doubt (unfortunately). I listen to critics who claim, without any basis, that vulnerable people may be pressured to opt for dying, and tha...

Memories are what they are - but also what we make of them (psychology)

Memories can be complex and elusive. They are greatly influenced by our emotions and are stored in pieces and fragments. This delicate nature of our memories is always apparent as our brain and memory make clear divisions when our perceptions or feelings about a situation change. This process and the brain's role in it may aid in future trauma treatment. Every day, we undergo numerous experiences, but only a few stick in our memories. Our brain selectively holds onto specific events because our capacity to remember is limited. Memories that stick often involve significant and emotional events, like a first time experience, birth, marriage, or even death. These events linger in our memory, vivid and alive, years later, while the mundane and the everyday, like a road trip to the grocery store or our most recent dinner, are quickly forgotten. Our brain assigns significance to these memories linked with strong emotions because once upon a time, it was a survival mechanism. Recalling ...

Podcast / Interview zur Sterbehilfe mit Dr. med. Gerald Neitzke

In dem Podcast / Interview zur Sterbehilfe geht Dr. med. Gerald Neitzke (Vorsitzender des Klinischen Ethik-Komitees (KEK) der MHH  (Institut für Ethik, Geschichte und Philosophie der Medizin)) auf viele Punkte und Aspekte der Sterbehilfe ein.  Wer sich mit dem Thema Sterbehilfe beschäftigt sollte sich diesen etwa 1 stündige Podcast anhören.  -  Sonderfolge "Sterbehilfe" mit Dr. Gerald Neitzke Gestört habe ich mich nur daran, dass Dr. med. Gerald Neitzke betont, dass Begriffe wie Suizidhilfe, assistierter Suizid, Sterbehilfe, Hilfe bei der Selbsttötung alles Synonym sind. Da der Begriff Synonym dafür steht, dass ein Wort, die gleiche Bedeutung wie ein anderes Wort hat. Das heißt, dass die beiden Wörter ausgetauscht werden können, ohne dass sich die Bedeutung verändert. Und dies ist nun einmal, wie ich in früheren Artikel erläutert habe, für mein Verständnis NICHT die gleiche Bedeutung haben. ( Antonymie - Freitod + Suizid ) Dr. med. Geral...

Erinnerungen sind das was sie sind - aber auch das was wir daraus machen (Psychologie)

Dass Erinnerungen eine diffizile Sache sein können, zeigte sich immer wieder - in welchen Fragmenten, Schnipseln, und Zusammenhängen  wir Erinnerungen an ein Erlebnis abspeichern da haben unsere Emotionen und Seele ein erhebliches, verantwortlich Mass und Einfluss. Unser Gehirn und Gedächtnis zieht immer dann eine Trennlinie oder Grenze, separiert Erinnerungen, wenn sich die Wahrnehmung oder das Gefühle in einer oder für eine Situation verändert. Dieser Zusammenhang und Gehirnaktivität könnte künftig dabei helfen, Traumata in Zukunft besser zu behandeln. Erinnerungen und Emotionen Jeden Tag erleben wir dutzende verschiedene Situationen, doch längst nicht alle bleiben uns im Gedächtnis. Unser Gehirn beziehungsweise unser Erinnerungsvermögen ist nicht nur selektiv, segmentierend sondern auch begrenzt - unser Gehirn muss sich daher auf besonders relevante Geschehnisse konzentrieren. In der Regel, was wohl niemanden überraschen wird, sind dies Ereignisse, Erlebnisse, Sequenzen im Leben...